Star Wars: Crimson Shadows

A Star Wars 5e game In the world of Star Wars: Crimson Shadows
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Supporting Cast
  • Cisashi Sadin
    A Cathar bartender with a keen eye and sharp wit. She knows everyone who walks through the doors and all their secrets.
  • R'kkak Shirr
    A Rodian bouncer with a steady disposition and even steadier aim. Enforces Morbo's will with brutal efficiency.
  • Vix Gundoq
    A nimble Devaronian thief and con artist. Works for Morbo, skimming profits and stealing from the clientele whenever possible.

Sessions Archive

20th Jun 2024

This story is told by

The Protagonists




Level 1 Twi'lek Dark Neutral Sentinel
(Bounty Hunter)
/ 9 HP


Level 1 Kushiban
/ 8 HP