Session 1: Beginnings

General Summary


In Morbo's Paradise, the neon glow of vice illuminates a tense game of Pazaak. Oz, a gambler with a keen eye, spots Vix Gondoq, a Devaronian con artist, attempting a slick shuffle. Oz counters with a sleight of hand of his own, but his skill isn't enough to fool the watchful eyes of Morbo's right hand man. Caught red-handed, Oz is whisked away to the back, facing the grim prospect of a "friendly" interrogation in the casino's private chambers.
  After a long day's grind, Kender sought solace at the bar in Morbo's Paradise. The alluring Cathar bartender, Cisashi, dispensed not just drinks, but an unexpected surprise - a job straight from Morbo himself. Downing his drink and leaving a tip, Kender, perhaps with more than a touch of apprehension swirling in his gut, headed out to answer the enigmatic call of the Hutt kingpin.
  Tal'Xalis returned to Morbo's Bounty Room, the failed bounty burning on his conscience. R'kkak, Morbo's imposing enforcer, materialized like a storm cloud, demanding an explanation. The bounty hunter's tale wasn't enough, and with a chilling efficiency, Tal'Xalis was whisked away to the back room, where the true cost of failure awaited. In Morbo's Paradise, a missed target wasn't just a dent in your wallet, it could be a one-way ticket to oblivion.
  In the neon-drenched maze of Morbo's Paradise, Agiyuk, a newcomer to this underworld, gambled for answers. Whispers of trouble had led him to Yomi Vundrull, a shadowy information broker. With a subtle brush of the Force, Agiyuk's search veered from mere knowledge to unexpected opportunity. He secured the promise for the information he craved, but in return he had to provide information upon a crashed escape pod. Agiyuk, finding himself a pawn in the broker's game, was offered a chance to join Morbo's investigation team, a daring gamble that could either lead him to the source of his troubles or swallow him whole.

Inciting Incident

From the shadows of Morbo's Paradise, a motley crew was assembled. Dragged in by brute force or lured by other means, they found themselves face-to-face in a gaudy showroom, eyeing each other with suspicion. Bounties simmered in their gaze or the hope of uncovering their own entangled reasons for being there. Finally, Morbo, the Hutt kingpin throwing down a deal as tempting as it was ominous. A crashed escape pod lay hidden in a place called the Boneyard, its secrets beckoning. For these unlikely allies, retrieving its contents offered a chance to erase their debts. Before they left, each of them were given one single use pass to allow them back into the Red Light District without being stopped.

Rising Action

Emerging from the neon-drenched belly of Morbo's Palace, Oz, Tal'xalis, Agiyuk, and Kender found themselves deposited by a black speeder on the rusty underbelly of Nar Shaddaa. Uncomfortable silence filled the air as the vehicle vanished, leaving them alone with the grimy cityscape and a gnawing sense of unease.
  Their trek towards the crash site was short-lived, abruptly punctuated by a pack of desperate locals. Demands for valuables were met with unwavering resolve from the party, culminating in Kender's unconventional offer: the location of his own apartment. Disarmed by the absurdity of the offer, the scavengers slunk away, leaving the adventurers to press on.
  The Bone Yard, Gnar's scrapyard dominion, beckoned with its labyrinthine heaps of metal and the wizened Chadra-fan himself. Persuasion from Oz loosened Gnar's tongue, revealing the crashed escape pod and a tantalizing rumor of its Sith origins from a vessel known as Nightfall. An uneasy alliance was forged - Gnar's K-9 droid, Rusty, would guide them, and the recovered black box would fetch 500 credits each.
  Rusty's metallic nose led them through the industrial maze, culminating in the smoking remains of the pod. But avarice had beaten them to the punch. A scavenger, clutching the black box, attempted to flee, sparking a brutal firefight. Blades clashed, blaster bolts sizzled, and the ground of the scrapyard was stained with blood.
  With the area secured, investigation commenced. The pod bore scars of a space battle, while the bodies of slain Crimson Blades spoke of a violent encounter. Kender's meticulous copying of the black box yielded shocking footage: a young girl, eyes aglow with Force lightning, battling her aggressors.
  Seeing the girl, Oz had a nagging suspicion that he shared with the party. The young girl may be his youngest sister Sorsha. Led by Agi's intuitive reading of the terrain, they set their sights on a treacherous labyrinth – the Hunting Grounds – where their quarry, and perhaps answers, awaited.

Rewards Granted

  • Turned in Black Box for 500 credits each
  • Found 100 credits on the Crimson Blade bodies along with a vibrosword and a blaster

Star Wars: Crimson Shadows



Level 1 Twi'lek Dark Neutral Sentinel
(Bounty Hunter)
/ 9 HP


Level 1 Kushiban
/ 8 HP
Report Date
01 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Morbo's Paradise
Secondary Location
The Bone Yard

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