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Sigils Sealed

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Infinity Wheel
| Looking for Players

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 12th April 2022 18:00

Session 1: It begins with an end.

You are a young adult son or daughter of an interplaner traveler. You were born and raised in Sigil, The City of Doors. Your parent (is it your mother or father or both?) are one of many traders, importers, exporters, and intermediaries between the planes. Your family business is to facilitate trade to and from ONE of the planes (which one? Your choices are Your Origin Plane for your Sigils Sealed Character‌).

‌ In fact it is from that outer plane that your family originally calls home, but your only home has been Sigil. You have never been to any other plane. But your parent expects you, soon, to take up the family business. (Do you want that?) On the last night of Leagueheim -- the last night of the year, your trader parent(s) is out on business in your origin plane, and you take advantage by doing your favorite thing (what is that?).

As midnight approaches you tire and go home to bed. It feels that you are asleep for only a moment when you have a vision of The Lady of Pain floating through the city. You know The Lady.... every Cager does, but you know that she never interacts with anyone or anything in the city. Yet in your vision, she turns and looks directly into your eyes. In her eyes you see your own reflection, but you aren't alone. In that reflection you also see other faces beside you as you all converge at the Trioptic Nic'Epona statue of The Clerk's Ward. As you look at these other faces and them at yours, a title reverberates through your soul -- "The Kateesh". You have never heard this word, but it seems to complete a puzzle in your existence that you never knew was lacking its keystone. These other people are linked to you and you to them for some cosmic goal.

You awake suddenly and in intense agony. Your forehead is on fire with a coldness that dissolves your skin. Your ears bleed as a cacophony of screams of anguish simultaneously assault you from every Cager as innumerable portals in the City of Doors slam shut. The birds are caught in the cage. And your family member is locked out.

Tue 29th March 2022 18:00

Session Zero -- March 29, 2022

Please bring a laptop computer to this session zero because I want to show you around all the tools that I'm providing for you for this campaign! I'm new to world anvil too! Let's figure it out together at session zero.

  Tasks to do during session zero:

0. Brad will tell you a bit about Sigil, The Great Wheel Cosmology, the type of campaign he'd like to run, and the homebrew rules and clarifications to DnD rules he would like to use.

1. Talk about your intended role in the party in all three pillars: Combat, Social Interaction, and Exploration. For example a GenCharBrad might be a single-target melee damage dealer with a little bit of healing in combat, decent at insight in social interactions, and will often have a familiar to help with scouting during exploration.

2. Discuss which Record Keeping task each character will do. Each character is expected to do one task of the following:
** Quartermaster -- keeps track of shared loot, inventory, and coin.
** Contact Manager == keeps a glossary of names, occupations, places, and other details that the party thinks they might need in the future.
** Conditions Keeper -- uses the condition markers during combat and stays alert in combat for any player or the DM that forgets that a condition is on a creature. This one requires your full attention during combat!
** Time Keeper -- Keeps track of the time and date in game in Sigil. The DM will say "that took 2 hours" and the time keeper will update the clock and calendar.
** Keeper of Doors -- keeps track of every door that you discover throughout the planes and the proper gate key to operate it.
** Experience Keeper -- keeps track of the experience earned. This is the person with the definitive answer to what your current experience points should be at! This person will tell the DM when the characters are to level up, not the reverse!

3. Roll to see what 2 other characters you already know. During session zero you will meet with that other character and decide how you already know each other. Are you siblings? Cousins? Lovers? Classmates? Guildmates? Customer/Merchant? Something else? Then you will form a seperate pair to discuss the same thing with your other known character.

4. You will describe what you character did tonight... the last night of the year... right before you fell asleep. Did you go out partying since your parent was planeswalking? Did you host a party? Did you stay at home and read a book that your parent would not approve? Did you meet a secret lover? Did you get completely drunk and not remember WHAT you did?

5. Brad will show you around The Infinity Wheel and Sigils Sealed websites so that you know where and how you can find information for this world and campaign. There's a lot here, let me show you!

The Lady of Pain has seen you! And now all the portals of the City of Doors are forced shut. Planar commerce has stopped! And you have family out there walking the planes right now! Can you rescue your kin when the Power of the City has barred all travel? And why oh why can't you fall asleep without waking in cries of pain?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Liath Doughn

Fiona Hylon


Alterro Direclaw


8 / 8 HP

Caine Azarad

Pixel Peppermill