Your Origin Plane for your Sigils Sealed Character in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Your Origin Plane for your Sigils Sealed Character

Each character for the Sigils Sealed Campaign was born and raised in Sigil. They have never been outside of Sigil. However, their origins are from one distinct plane that is not Sigil. You must choose one plane of existence from where your bloodlines originate. You can not choose more than one. You can not choose an evil alignment plane, an energy plane, a transitory plane, the Elemental Chaos, or the Far Realms. Therefore your 23 possible choices are:   A Prime Material Plane Crystal Sphere (choose from Toril, Abeir, or "Earth" )
A non-evil aligned Outer Ring Plane (Choose from The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, The Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia, The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, The Twin Paradises of Bytopia, The Blessed Fields of Elysium, The Wilderness of the Beastlands, The Olympian Glades of Arborea, The Heroic Domains of Ysgard or The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo)
A Prime Material Echo Plane (choose from the The Plane of Shadow - Shadowfell or The Plane of Fairie - Feywild)
An Inner Plane Elemental Plane (Choose from The Plane of Air, The Plane of Water, The Plane of Earth and The Plane of Fire)
An Inner Plane Paraelemental Plane (Choose from The Plane of Ice, The Plane of Ooze, The Plane of Magma or The Plane of Ash)
The Center Plane of The Outlands

Further, I'd prefer if each character would be from a different one of the 23 choices above. For example, it is OK for one player to be a character that origins from Outer Ring Plane of Arcadia, and another can origin from Outer Ring Plane of Bytopia and another can be from Prime Material Crystal Sphere of "Earth" and another could be from Prime Material Crystal Sphere of Toril while the last is from The Paraelemental Plane of Ash. I just don't want two characters BOTH from Bytopia, for example. So this will take some negotiation through me as the DM.
The Great Wheel Cosmology


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