Session 286 - Shadow Hunters Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 286 - Shadow Hunters

General Summary

29th of Peonu to 1st of Kelen

(Second and Third Months of Spring) 726TR

The Story So Far

The Heroes have rescued Brother Hardwin, a Peoni priest captured by bloodthirsty Kath Barbarians. The furious savages are in pursuit.

Also, Rycon has made enemies and friends in the church of Larani after opposing the infamous Solora Crusade. One of the Kingdom's most senior Priests wants to charge the wayward knight with heresy and hired a Bounty Hunter to apprehend him.

This is the continuation of Session 285 - King Torasta's Bane.

Location - The Kathela Hills, territory claimed by the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Escape

The heroes make their escape from the Kath Barbarians with Brother Harwin in tow. Kath Sharman invoke witchcraft to deceive and misdirect, but this fails. The heroes smash through brambles, evade wasps nests, and ford rivers while keeping well ahead of the ferocious barbarians and escape, but the wilds hold one more surprise.

Hardwin, art by Artflow
As they pass a small ridge, they hear a blood-curdling roar. A deadly armored predator the size and shape of a large bear but with oversize horns and an owl-like beak charges toward them. The terrified Brother Hardwin runs in terror, and the rest of the heroes are shaken to the core. The Arthynnod, a rare form of Ivashu, slashes at Rycon with his massive claws, then squeezes him in its vise-like grip. Worse, it begins to savagely gnaw on him with its beak. The party comes to Rycon’s aid and battles the monstrosity. Eventually, a mighty blow from Rycon’s katana slays the dangerous creation of the god Ilvir.

Location - The City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 2 - The Bounty Hunter

Eldark, art by Artflow
The party returns to the City of Tashal, hopefully to safety. Unfortunately, as they cross Balasa Bridge, a dangerous-looking man appears from the shadows, the Bounty Hunter Eldark of Beron. He confronts Rycon, demanding that he surrender so that he can be tried for heresy. Rycon, of course, refuses. With so many guards and witnesses nearby, the Hunter withdraws with a grim smile.

The grateful priest Brother Hardwin mentions he knows a litigate who may be able to help Rycon navigate the somewhat murky feudal and religious legal systems. He will pull a few strings to organize a free consultation. But first, the good priest is dropped off at the local temple of Peoni, whose clergy are overjoyed by the safe return of Brother Hardwin and offer thanks as well as healing potions and elixirs.

Rycon visits Brother Hardwin's acquaintance, one of the city’s most successful litigates. Litigant Charance of Drelin explains to Rycon his legal position. Being a Knight comes with some privileges; however, as a foreigner and on very poor relations with some parts of the Larani church make things much more complex. Litigant Charance tells Rycon that for someone of his rank, the warrant for an ecclesiastical (religious) trial would have to be approved by a Bailiff or Sheriff of the Crown. A Sheriff or the King must likewise approve any execution or severe punishment. He suggests talking to Sir Conwan Elendsa, the Sheriff of Semethshire and the King’s nephew. The Sheriff would have to sign off any warrants, and these are technically valid only in his shire. It would be good to have him positively disposed towards Acheron. Besides the litigant muses, "The Sheriff is not known to tolerate overreaching priests. Sir Conwan would likely be the next King were it not for the actions of a fanatical priest insisting that he swear a solemn oath to renounce all claims to the throne when he married a worshiper of Sav K’Nor."

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
The next day Rycon travels to Caer Elend, the royal castle, and patiently waits his turn to meet with busy Sir Conwan Elendsa. The Sheriff is receptive and assures Rycon that he would never approve a warrant for the “crime” of leaving the Solora Crusade. Nevertheless, he warns Rycon that he has no control outside his jurisdiction.

The meeting went well, and Rycon considers what he could do to help Sir Conwan gain the throne when the King dies.

Part 3 - Shadows in the Night

The heroes are currently renting a modest but secure floor of a tenement in the city’s Medrik District.

One night while the characters enjoy a late meal, shadows take strange, sinister forms. Valeria hears them whispering in a language only she can understand. “Thief,” they whisper, “Give it back.” The Shadow Wisps strike with life-draining tendrils of darkness and attach to the heroes’ shadows. From there, they stretch out their shadowy tendrils powering their attacks with victims' life force.

The shades appear vulnerable to light and fire from the torches, and Valeria uses Kinetic Ram to separate several of the wisps from her shadow. The shadow creatures are tenacious, and by the time they are destroyed, Valeria had fainted from the life-sapping attacks, and Dryueh, who, in his haste, botched a healing check and collapsed unconscious in pain.

Valeria is alarmed; these Shadow creatures seem to be targeting her. She recalls the strange magical explosion that gifted her with her magical shadow powers, where she found a mysterious book. The book is written in a language she does not understand. Was this what the Shadow Wisps accused her of stealing?

Intrigued, she questions the Spirit World, why did the shadow creatures attack, and what did she steal? Grabbing a pencil, she enters a trance and begins drawing circles. Soon her circles become a chaotic mess. At first glance, the page is only mindless scribble, but clearly standing out are the words “It’s not the Book.”

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Eldark of Beron - Bounty Hunter.

Charance of Drelin - Litigant.

Pelnala Marnyle - High Priestess of the Church of the Eternal Harvest.

Sir Conwan Elendsa - The Sheriff of Semethshire.

Brother Hardwin - Metalcrafter and Priest of Peoni.


The PCs escaped the Kath.

1 x Arthynnod, the Horned Bruin.

4 x Greater Shadow Wisps.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Kath Barbarians.

Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow.

Order of the Lady of Paladins.

Player Characters

All characters gained a Level.

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L3 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L3 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L3 Thief Rogue - Medic.

Next Session

Session 287 - Holy Rituals .

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
01 May 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal

The Strange Book

Book, art by Playground AI

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