Session 319 - The Stones of Kanderi Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 319 - The Stones of Kanderi

General Summary

Autumn 726TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead. King Minigath, after ruling well for thirty-three years, has died, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the nefarious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

This is the continuation of Session 318 - Rescue Mission.

Location - Querina Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

4th Savor 726

Part 1 - A Trip To Melderyn

Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder
The heroes have rescued Sir Haldare Venera from a dungeon cell in the City of Tashal; the well-respected former Constable of Eland Castle will be of considerable help in opposing Sir Malden Harabor's machinations to seize the throne. As to what to do next, the heroes consult with Sir Haldare, Lady Erila Kaphin, and Sheriff Conwan Elendsa. They come up with a plan.

  • The party will travel to the Kingdom of Melderyn with some gold to recruit mercenaries to fight against Sir Malden in the ongoing conflict.
  • At the City of Thay, Rycon will attempt to convince the Laranian Lirrath (Primate) of Hârn to pressure the Archbishop of Kaldor to release Sir Conwan Elendsa from the solemn oath he tempestuously made in his youth to forfeit his claim to the crown so that he could marry someone of another faith. This will establish Sir Conwan as the obvious legitimate contender for King.
  • Unknown to Sir Conwan and Sir Haldare, Lady Erila also asks the party to travel to the City of Cherafir and brief the master weaponcrafter Yebisi Netoshi on current events concerning to the suspicious deeds of the mysterious Lady Gwadira. This suits Rycon, who wants the foreign weaponcrafter to forge several unique swords for him.

Part 2 - The Knights of Redemption

Sir Armant, art by Playground AI
Before the party departs, the knight of Larani, Sir Armant Houlcath, takes Rycon aside. Sir Armant is a strong advocate of the recent decision of the Kaldorian chapter of the Order of the Lady of Paladins to split from its parent organization due to the infamous Solora Crusade. He also supports Rycon's proposal to name the new independent Fighting Order the Knights of Redemption.

Enthusiastically, he shows Rycon a proposed coat of arms for the new Order, prepared by his brother, who is a herald. This has some support among the Order's senior leadership, and Rycon agrees to show the Primate the draft heraldry plate when he meets her.

9th of Savor 726

Location - On the Genin Trail between the Kingdoms of Chybisa and Melderyn.

Part 3 - Undead on the Road

As the travelers approach Melderyn, the gloomy Autumn day grows dark, and a sinister chill can be felt. From the woods, Gulmorvin (undead) attack led by a huge rotting dead Bear followed by a half dozen shambling corpses. They surround the heroes, eventually needing to be hacked to pieces and their twitching parts burnt to ashes.

11th of Savor 726

Location - City of Thay in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 4 - War Wagons

The party arrives in the City of Thay and immediately visits the temple of Larani to meet with the Laranian Lirrath (Primate) of Hârn. Unfortunately, the Kerthede Talvail is not in the city visiting some of the church's outlying temples and is due back in a week. With the aid of Sir Thorweald Alhburg, the Pontiff's Emissary Rycon secures an appointment.

With some time available, the party investigates if any mercenary groups are available for employment. They learn that Boromon's Foxes, currently on the Island of Melderyn, is seeking employment. However, they hear that Heagan of Heel, a mercenary who has fought for over 20 years in the border disputes between the Kingdoms of Trierzon and Shorkyne, is creating a mercenary company. The party visits him in a village just outside the city walls.

Heagen, art by Artflow
Captain Heagan of Heel is supervising the construction of a dozen wagons while two companies of soldiers drill with crossbows and pikes. These wagons have reinforced walls and sturdy, movable wooden roofs and slots for crossbow fire; they appear as mobile forts. The mercenary commander, Captain Heagan, proudly describes them as war wagons of a type he saw employed with excellent results in foreign wars. He briefly outlines several tactics that could be used in both offensive and defensive battles.

Part 5 - The Stones of Kanderi

Captain Heagan is available and keen to take on the mercenary contract. He and his men will be available next spring next year, provided he can secure enough horses. Fortunately, the party can assist. A paddock is used by local horse breeders in the nearby village of Sheda. The ground is exceptionally fertile, and horses that graze grow fast, healthy, and strong. Unfortuately, in the center of the paddock are a series of stone monoliths, the magical Stones of Kanderi. Strange, vicious fey creatures have taken up residence and driven away the horse breeders. On behalf of Heagan, the heroes decide to deal with fey, and in gratitude, the ostlers will provide horses to the mercenary band at a very reasonable cost. Also, they will sell Rycon a superb warhorse.

The characters discover that the Stones of Kanderi are indeed magical, with a weak link to nature-based magic and the fey realms. Giant insects attack the intruders, directed by Invisible humanoid-shaped Hedgehogs. The nasty fairy creatures are full of tricks, using a range of offensive magic and rolling about impaling characters with their spikes. But the Avarek are eventually killed, and the paddocks are free for the ostler's use. Captain Heagan will have his horses in Spring.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Lady Erila Kaphin.

Sir Haldare Venera.

Sir Armant Houlcath.

Sir Thorweald Alhburg.

Captain Heagan of Heel of Heagan's Warwagon's.


Ghastly Bear and 7 x Ghasts.

3 x Giant Stag Bettles and 3 x Avarek.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Nothing this week.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L9 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L9 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L9 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 320 - The Doctor's Visitation.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
06 Nov 2023
Primary Location
City of Thay

Knights of Redemption

Sir Armant Houlcath's proposal for the new Fighting Order's coat of arms. This includes three small stains of blood to remind the knights never to forsake honor.

Knights of Redemption art by Attacus

Heagens's Warwagons

Heagen's Warwagons, art by Attacus

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