Gulmorvin, Unfree Undead

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

Gulmorvin are the near mindless undead created by Priests of Morgath and occasionally Necromancers. They are animated using the evil phenomenon called the Shadow of Bukrai. Sometimes Gulmorvin can be animated spontaneously when the dead are exposed to the Shadow, however, most are created by Morgathic spells and rituals.

Gulmorvin usually take the form of Zombies or less frequently Skeletons as the former tend to last longer and can be more easily modified and repaired if damaged or begun to deteriorate. Occasionally composite creatures such as Skin Bats or undead animals are created.

If a free-willed undead such as an Amorvin dies 13 times he then become a Gulmorvin. Also, if the ritual of creating an Almorvin is botched, the recipient may also become a Gulmorvin.

Morgathic Priests are often skilled in basic medical and embalming techniques, which they use to repair old Gulmorvin Zombies and Skeletons. Typically the some of the organs or viscera of the Gulmorvin are removed to prevent rot or physical deterioration over time, with the organs are stored in Canopic Jars for use in other rituals. Additionally, they are known to experiment and improve these creations by adding to, enhancing, or adjusting the undead form or adding dark magical properties.

Example Physical Improvements

Sew on metal armor, bone, leather or hide to the skin to improve armor class - AC increases by 1 to 8.

Attach metal bands or absorptive padding - Resistance to a physical damage type such as Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage or additional Hit Points.

Attach weapons - Increase damage output, e.g., spikes on fists do +2 damage.

Extras limbs - Additional attacks.

Filed or extended teeth - Add bite attack.

Example Magical Improvements

Magical protection - Gives resistance or immunity to a damage type.

Contamination - Add disease, infection, curse, attribute damage, or rotting attacks.

Necrotic life-stealing - Touch does Necrotic damage and possibly heals the undead at the same time

Increased speed and number of attacks.

Host some other entity - An incorporeal or small undead or demonic creature hides in the Gulmorvin.

Host to a magical artifact, especially those that creates a Shadow of Bukrai.


Cover image: Undead Header by Attacus


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