Session 301 - Elven Ashes Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 301 - Elven Ashes

General Summary

22nd to 23rd of Larane (Summer) 726TR

The Story So Far

Dryueh was trained in the arts of woodcraft by the elves.

On learning that he was planning to live in the human realms, his elven patrons have asked him to investigate the disappearance of at least half a dozen elves in the eastern Hârnic Kingdom of Kaldor.

Brother Harwin, a priest of Peoni, informed him that he had discovered the remains of an elf in ruins in the Kathela Hills. Dryueh and his friends intend to investigate the grave site.

This is the continuation of Session 300 - Moments of Honor.

Location - Kathela Hills in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Ugly Dogs

The party enters the heavily wooded hill following one of the pilgrim's paths used by worshipers of the creator god of monsters Ilvir. Unfortunately, this offers them little protection from Ilvir's creations. Out of the deep forest, a pack of the ugliest dogs the characters have ever seen appears. They are greenish grey, have flabby hairless skin, and a large mouth filled with oversized teeth. The Trollhounds are quickly dispatched once Valeria throws a vial of acid, and Rycon attacks with a flaming torch.

Part 2 - Kafhexis, the Bringers of Fever

Kafhexis, art by Artflow
Thinking that they are near their objective, the characters move from the path and up hills which should give a good view over the area. Unfortunately, it is occupied by more strange Ivashu, this time a trio of Kafhexis - the Bringers of Fever. These psionically gifted purple, horned ape-like monstrosities have a large gem set in their forehead which imbue them with a powerful psionic attack. The Ivashu are positioned further up a hill, looking down undetected on the heroes as they travel by. The little monsters are hungry and unleash their unique psionic ability, Fever Beam, which causes a victim's body temperature to rise; in extreme cases, this can cause spontaneous human combustion. The heroes are initially confused and back off attempting to hide, forcing one of the Kafhexis to reveal itself when it follows. Rycon charges and swiftly enters melee while Valeria's Animated Assault tosses rocks and sticks at one hiding out of sight. Dryueh stealthily makes his way up the hill, attacking the third Kafhexis flank. The nefarious Ivashu are eventually slain.

Dryueh extracts the gems from the skulls of the dead, and the characters find the remains of a Kath Barbarian. The half-eaten corpse has some enchanted arrows and oils.

Part 3 - The Essence of Sinad

The heroes investigate the ruins; they are old, and only a stone floor and overgrown crumbling walls remain. They find a circular dead patch, a layer of ash, and a grave decorated with crude elven symbols nearby. Before they can investigate, they feel the ground tremor, and a giant lizard with spines along its back emerges, catching Valeria by surprise and thumping her with its tail sending the sorceress flying back. The party comes to aid, and a savage fight ensues. The Hodag fights with ferocity, resisting Valeria's attempts to Paralyze it, and although Rycon causes serious injuries, he is badly hurt. The beast doesn't know when to die fighting on after receiving many near-fatal injuries, but eventually, Valeria manages to finish it off with a Cutting Insult.

The gravesite houses the skeletal remains of an elf, but Dryueh is disturbed by the bones; they show signs of severe old age, not something the near-immortal elves suffer from. Additionally, the remains of flesh around them have shriven. Valeria sense necromantic magic in the area, especially around the ash circle.

Valeria is confident this is evidence of a magical ritual spell and grabs her notebook and begins random scribbling. Possibly the spirits will help. Her Automatic Writing reveals a circle of blood drops and the crude words "Essence of Sinad." Valeria has heard of this dark ritual. It involves draining the blood of an elf to rejuvenate an aging mortal. It makes a human younger at the expense of the elf's life.

The party also finds some gems and an armband carved with elven symbols hidden abound the bushes and broken walls. Dryueh respectfully packs the bones and will later organize them to be sent to the Evael, the elven kingdom.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Nothing this week.

No one.


5 x Trollhounds.

3 x Kafhexis - the Bringers of Fever.

1 x Hodag.


4 x Vine Arrows.

3 x Oil of Wounding and 1 x Potion of Haste.

Raven Band and some Gems and Jewelry.

Created Content

Kafhexis - the Bringers of Fever.

Related Reports

Kath Barbarians.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L6 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L6 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L6 Thief Rogue - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 302 - The Twilight Calamity.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
24 Jul 2023

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