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Session 12: Captain Zord Report

General Summary

Alone aboard the Eyecatcher - flag ship of the Sea Maidens Faire - Marsali the squirrel is captured by dashing man in red; kept in a small wooden cage on his desk. Meanwhile, Lars and Wiley attempt entry via one of the Eyecatcher's portholes, but are stymied by cold fingers. De sneaks back into the carnival, dons a flamboyant mask as a disguise, and begins to surveil the Heartbreaker and Hellraiser for any sign of her friends.   Eventually Marsali's squirrel form fades, leaving the halfling somewhat embarrassingly plopped upon the strange man's desk. She seemingly convinces him that her friends are lost out in the bay, and seek safe harbor. The man, introducing himself as Captain Zardoz Zord, agrees to offer assistance. Lars and Wiley are brought up from the water. The party attempts to utilize deception to convince the captain of their trustworthiness. This attempt.. ultimately fails, as Captain Zord recognizes the rowboat as coming from one of his own ships - the Heartbreaker. Caught off-guard (and a bit embarrassed) the party is brought back to shore. The captain, it seems, bears them no ill will.   Reunited with De, the party regroups at the Prestigious Pint, filling Gretchen in on recent activities. The next day sees the party exploring multiple leads in their search for the red-robed, bearded nimblewright seen fleeing the scene of the Fireball attack. A visit with Vajra Safahar turns them onto Lady Summertaen, current head of the Noble Order of Magists and Protectors - who has recently come into possession of a nimblewright. Visiting Lady Summertaen confirms two facts: one, she doesn't own the nimblewright they're seeking, and two, she did indeed acquire her nimblewright from Zardoz Zord - for what was apparently the bargain price of 25,000 gold dragons.   A brief visit with Renaer provides the party with a cover story that will allow De - thus far unknown to Captain Zord - to pose as a buyer on Renaer's behalf, and allow her to question the captain about the nimblewrights. The discussion does indeed bear fruit, as De is able to confirm that the nimblewright they're seeking is not on board the Eyecatcher. Additionally, Captain Zord agrees to provide De with a list of his customers in the city so that she might seek them out and gain testimonial statements from them regarding their satisfaction with the good captain's offerings.

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