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Lord of Trollskull Lars De Le Seips
"Slayer of Heyhead" "the Muscle"

Lars De Le Seips, residing Lord of Trollskull Manor, Slayer of Heyhead, and known as The Muscle of Adventure Company, is always thinking of the next big thing, though many would say he just has his head in the clouds.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Lars's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 16

04:09 am - 21.04.2022

Session 16

04:09 am - 21.04.2022

Session 15

12:07 pm - 18.04.2022

Session 15

12:07 pm - 18.04.2022

Session 14

12:22 pm - 30.03.2022

Session 14

12:22 pm - 30.03.2022

Session 13

01:18 pm - 02.03.2022

Session 13

01:18 pm - 02.03.2022

Session 12

06:52 pm - 08.12.2021

Session 12

06:52 pm - 08.12.2021

Session 11: The Investigation Begins

03:23 pm - 24.11.2021

Session 11: The Investigation Begins

03:23 pm - 24.11.2021

Session 1

02:20 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 1

02:20 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 2

02:20 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 2

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 3

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 3

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 4

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 4

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 5

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 5

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 6

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 6

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 7

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 7

02:19 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 8

02:09 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 8

02:09 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 9

02:07 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 9

02:07 pm - 03.11.2021

Session 10

05:15 pm - 01.11.2021

Session 10

05:14 pm - 01.11.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lars.

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