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Tales of the Sword Coast

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Alea
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  • Waterdeep
    Waterdeep, the City of Splendors
Supporting Cast
  • Avi
    A water genasi and co-owner of Steam and Steel. Avi handles the front-end of the business while Embric tends the forge.
  • Barnibus Blastwind
    Though he can be abrasive and prickly, make no mistake - this high-ranking member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors is imminently intelligent and purposefully perceptive; making him an excellent investigator.
  • Bonnie
    A comely tavern maid, Bonnie is currently employed at the Yawning Portal. Quick with a smile and a charming personality to match, Bonnie lends a special charm to the famous tavern.
  • Davil Starsong
    Handsome, eloquent elf serving as an agent of the Zhentarim. Often operates out of the Yawning Portal.
  • Durnan
    Proprietor of the Yawning Portal, Durnan is an accomplished adventurer in his own right. He runs the tavern in his retirement but always keeps his broadsword close at hand behind the bar; jumping in as needed to defend from any unwanted guests crawling up from the dungeon of Undermountain.
  • Embric
    A fire genasi and co-owner of Steam and Steel, Embric is an accomplished metal worker; being a member of the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers, and the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths.
  • Fala Lefaliir
    Elven proprietor of Corellon's Crown, an herbalism shop in Trollskull Alley
  • Floon Blagmaar
    Friend of Volothamp Geddarm. Was kidnapped by the Zhentarim (and then the Xanathar Guild) as a result of a case of mistaken identity as he was believed to be Renaer Neverember.
  • Gretchen Fairbairn
    A feisty halfling that swings an axe near as tall as she is. Don't get between her and her sausages, or ye'll regret it!!
  • Hlam
    Reclusive monk living atop Mt. Waterdeep. Speaks in riddles, yet seems aware of everything going on in the city below.
  • Jalester Silvermane
    Senior agent and representative of the Lords' Alliance in Waterdeep. Good-spirited and even-tempered, Jalester is always on the lookout for loyal citizens of Waterdeep who might seek to aid the city.
  • Jeryth Phaulkon
    Senior representative of the Emerald Enclave in Waterdeep. Appears as a disembodied voice at the Phaulkonmere estate.
  • Open Lord Laeral Silverhand
    Current open lord of the city of Waterdeep.
  • Melannor Fellbranch
    Caretaker of Phaulkonmere. A friendly, is somewhat humorless, half-elf druid.
  • Renaer Neverember
    Son of Waterdeep's previous open lord - Dagult Neverember. Estranged from his father, but has been the target of recent gang attacks who seem to think Renaer knows something about a fortune of gold his father allegedly hid somewhere in Waterdeep.
  • Sayth Cromley
    Amiable, relaxed and relatable; this former captain of the Waterdeep City Watch is known to occasionally come out of retirement to assist his friend, Barnibus Blastwind in high-profile investigations.
  • Urstul Floxin
    Suspected agent of the Black Network last seen fleeing the scene of a deadly fireball explosion in front of the Prestigious Pint.
  • Vajra Safahr
    At just over 30 years old, Vajra is the youngest Blackstaff ever known to hold the post. Her respect can be hard-earned, but her patronage is invaluable, as she has access to a multitude of resources within the city and beyond.
  • Volothamp Geddarm
    Acclaimed writer and boisterous personality. Volo is the author of many tomes known by adventurers across the Sword Coast.
  • Captain Zardoz Zord

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 4th May 2022 19:00

Session 17

Entreated by the Cassalanter's to save their children, the group now has a timeline - 2 months - to solve the mystery laid out in front of them. Multiple leads have presented themselves, but where to go first? And what do they all mean? What secrets does the Stone hold, and how can they speak to it? So many questions...

Sessions Archive

20th Apr 2022

Session 16: The Asmodean Curse

The Stone of Golorr now in their possession, with hints of a "Grand Game" hanging heavy in their thoughts, the party regroups in the safety of the Prestigious Pint to contemplate their next moves...

Read the Report
4th Apr 2022

Session 15: Rothehills Under Siege

After a harrowing encounter with a group of Drow who'd been keeping watch on the Rothehill Manor, shouts of alarm ring out from the manor proper. Guards are seen hurriedly running toward the house.. what in the world is happening?

Read the Report
29th Mar 2022

Session 14: Drow on the Scene

What is the Zhentarim's relationship to the Rothehills? Why did Lady Yalah lie about owning a Nimblewright? Or was Zardoz lying about the sale? How did Wiley do at "Whack-a-Gnoll"? Why didn't Lars Insight check Lady Yalah?? So many questions..

Read the Report
1st Mar 2022

Session 13: The Rothehills

Now in possession of a list of owners of captain Zord's nimblewrights, the party is one step closer to finding the suspected attacker..

Read the Report
7th Dec 2021

Session 12: Captain Zord

Onboard the Eyecatcher, Marsali meets a new friend. Lars and Wiley coldly bob in the waters of the bay. De barely escapes a pursuer. How will the party reunite?

Read the Report
23rd Nov 2021

Session 11: Mystery is Afoot

In the wake of a violent magical explosion, the party begins to sift through the ashes in an effort to understand what happened..

Read the Report
31st Oct 2021

Session 10: Fireball!

Having established themselves in the neighborhood and reopened the long shuttered tap room on the first floor of Trollskull Manor, we now jump forward to a cold, crisp day where winter's frost has just started to take hold...

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19th Oct 2021

Session 9: The Monk and the Mountain

A week of literally drudgery has found the party in the good graces of those who maintain the peace in Waterdeep. Whether they seek adventure, fortune, fame, or more will be up to them...

5th Oct 2021

Session 8: Professional Protectors

After focusing a large amount of their effort and attention on reopening the taproom of Trollskull Manor, the Prestigious Pint is officially christened. Undoubtedly the party will soon find attention drawn to their enterprising endeavors...

21st Sep 2021

Session 7: Business and Bartending

With their recent success in the employ of the Emerald Enclave, the group returns home, weary and in need of a warm bed...

7th Sep 2021

Session 6: Hunting Hayhead

After Marsali was approached by an adorably curious messenger, she enlists her friends' help in investigating troubling reports from the outskirts of the city...

24th Aug 2021

Session 5: A Place to call Home

The party has just started to settle in to Trollskull Manor. There's a lot of Waterdeep to explore. Who can say what the day will bring...

3rd Aug 2021

Session 4: Trollskull Alley

While unable to pay the party the gold he had promised them, Volo offers something potentially far more valuable.. the deed to a four-story manor in Trollskull Alley...

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12th Jul 2021

Session 3: Crime Hides in the Sewers

A case of mistaken identity has led to Floon being kidnapped. A nobleman's son tries to make up for the mishap by assisting the party in their ongoing search...

24th Jun 2021

Session 2: Finding... Floon?

After accepting Volo's quest, the party begins their search for his missing friend in the Sea Ward...

15th Jun 2021

Session 1: The Adventure Begins

The group of acquaintances meet in a famous tavern for a drink, not yet knowing where the evening may take them...

Read the Report
Our story begins in Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, where four companions are meeting for a drink in the city's most famous watering hole, the Yawning Portal.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Wiley McGinty

Lord of Trollskull Lars De Le Seips

Marsali MacKinnon

De Nice