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Session 15: Rothehills Under Siege Report

General Summary

The party quietly heads into the manor. Signs of violent confrontation are everywhere. Dead guards and dead brigands. Inspection reveals all too familiar winged snake tattoos - @Zhentar. De makes doubly sure the bodies are dead - the gore from the previous encounter with drow still fresh on her face.   Upstairs, a hooded figure with a muscular frame is trying to break down a door. Wiley demonstrates amazing stealth and uncanny strength to disable the figure before he knows what's happening. De begins to question him by revealing some of the names they've uncovered recently, illiciting no response until she says the name "Urstul Floxin." She decides not to question him further, and instead chokes him out with a whip.   On the other side of the door, the party meets Lord Orond Rothehill. Before delving into details he rushes to his wife's room to ensure she is safe. Following, the party witnesses the two embrace before Lord Orond faces the group. He reveals how they used the nimblewright to steal the Stone of Golorr from Dalakhar, needing the Stone for its function as the key to Neverember's Engima - believed to be a vast sum of embezzeled gold dragons hidden somewhere in the city. The Rothehills had hoped to use the gold to elevate their status in Waterdhavian society. He tells the party the whole affair has proven too much for them. It has drawn the attention of powerful factions in the city, and they have been secluded in fear. He offers the party the Stone and the nimblewright to use as they see fit, wanting no further part in the madness.   The party splits up, with half the group heading back to the Pint with the Stone and the nimblewright - the other half taking the hooded figure to the authorities. Upon arrival at the guard house, they learn that the figure is indeed Urstul Floxin - a wanted Zhent agent with a price on his head. The party is offered the bounty, and Urstul is remanded to the custody and justice of the Waterdeep City Guard.   The rest of the night is uneventful as the group briefly discusses recent events before heading to bed; feeling as though they're a level stronger than they were previously..

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