Session 29 Report

General Summary

Swift Sail's Log

Tangent, Moon Planter, Sarsaparilla and I set forth from the cave to quickly approach the trio of Foremanes that were threatening the captain and crew, while Duk, Cher, and Shabaka ventured down the tracks to board the ship from the opposite side. Their names were Kreepers, Clump, and Barqs and I took point in attempting to talk our way through to the ship and ease their suspicions, having no issue in offering up my bag first to be checked. That plan went sour quickly as _none of us_ were expecting Kreepers to be able to use the small bit of Aetherstone they had to seek out other collections of the stone, like a magical compass. The stone instantly pointed in a very clear direction away from the cave, where I can only assume Cher was at the time… Their suspicions combined with that bit of magic was unarguable, and while Kreepers ran in a couple of circles around the tents as it seemed Cher was moving, there unfortunately was no room left to talk and it was time to engage. Moon Planter was quick to call for combat, and he and I jumped on Barqs, meanwhile Sarsaparilla took to the skies and aim at Clump. Our invisible allies emerged from the shadows to offer their support, including an unseen song from our Duk friend! T’wasn’t much of a fair fight from the start as we had them doubled in numbers, almost tripled even with the Captain’s sharp shooting which blasted Barqs to put him down. I’m not sure what justice there is to be had by the Bannermanes on the Foremanes’ behavior, but I believe it’s for higher ups to decide, and I’d rather not put myself in hot water by simply killing them off. Most of us seemed to feel the same way outside of the Captain and Cher. As combat continued with Clump and Kreepers, two turned to one when Clump dug his way into the ground and out of harm’s way. It was then that Shabaka showed off more of his unsettling magical abilities, a mere touch turning Kreepers into a wall-eyed, dead brained, drooling buffoon speaking as if their lips and tongue were swollen. It was somewhat disturbing, and a fight I certainly didn’t think was fair as I only attempted to disarm the Foremane, hoping he would stand down… He did not, and Shabaka got whacked rather brutishly as a result, I'll have to buy him a drink to make up for that. The rest of us focused Kreepers as Tangent moved to stabilize Barqs and Sarsaparilla helped keep him secured while dealing the final shot that put the Foremane down. I would much rather have left it to an honorable duel if he wasn’t going to stand down on his own, but this team seems keen on efficiency and questionable on particular morals. Thinking Clump had made his escape, I was taken off guard by a zap to the flank by some energy beam or whatever you may call it! He was hiding out in the tent, and I was quick to it, but he was quicker back into the ground. While we waited to see if he would show himself, an unexpected maneuver was pulled off as Clump dug up from beneath Kreepers, pulling his ally into the sand! Convinced that was an attempt to retreat, we made do with securing Barqs on the ship, and I convinced the Captain not to kill him against Cher’s wishes and he was locked up in a cell. Even after the two Foremanes’ had made their leave, Moon Planter was still determined to clear out the cave, which no one was in agreement with as we’d surely be caught and apprehended by the entire branch if we’d stayed. He begrudgingly agreed and we lifted into the air. It was there I got a chance to formally meet Cher’s marefriends, Misty and Jynx, what a vivacious pair those two are~ Tis a shame Cher got to ‘em first. She seems generous enough given her use of bartering the pair with Karat earlier on, and Sarsaparilla being marked as open game, but I won’t be holding my breath, they at least make for fun conversation. A bit of banter later and we were off.   The trip was an overall rousing success I’d say, making out with 40 pounds of the stone, but our job wasn’t done yet. The team decided to head for Bleakburn and deposit what we’d collected, rather than risking losing it along the way. We flew over the ocean and Sarsaparilla and I relished in missing the waters, it was then I learned she hailed from Whitewater, where my branch is! Along the way we spotted very large scorch marks along the cliffs on the northwestern coast from Weldstone. A crewmate identified them as definitely dragon marks, the captain assured we’d be prepared with our cannons, but thankfully it didn’t come to that. We landed in Bleakburn without any troubles, and to a roaring welcome from the civilians. Not my first time in the city, but it was my first as a Bannermane. Hostility evades me like the slow swing of an unskilled swordsman, but it was VERY pleasant to be around ponies that felt so fondly for our presence. A proper heroic greeting that I can absolutely get used to, and it was big smiles all around, Sarsaparilla playing an even greater face by sharing 50 gold amongst the children! We paraded through the city to the branch’s headquarters, so many of us relieved to be home. Moon Planter paid for Grot’s meals while I paid for Duk’s bread, which she was otherwise ecstatic over, so blind to the world and what opportunities there are. It’ll be nice seeing what freedom does to the lass.   We continued up the stairs and into a meeting room where Dr. Amden and a cowpony were conversing. With forewarning from the bartender to not speak, I’ll head the instructions for the time being as I watch Cher deposit the Aetherstone and receive what seemed to be a rare compliment, and I’m sure she was absolutely elated on the inside, she even did a twirl to give the room a flash of her skirt! It’s been an interesting while since I met up with this group in Dakilai, and I certainly don’t have reason to go home, I think I’ll continue hanging around the crew and see what comes of it.

Missions/Quests Completed

Escaped Weldstone

Character(s) interacted with

Duk Doctor Amden

The Bannermanes
Report Date
15 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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