Session 4 Report

General Summary

After delivering the Gobbo's letter to Dayspring, I had my doubts about our party deciding to return to Bleakburn. I'm all for adventure and tracking curious paths, but we were given a clear assignment from Dr. Amden. I imagine he'll be very cross when he discovers our detour. We made our way to a camp site the party had been to previously before I joined. It seems these Gobbos have become infatuated with Dayspring, and refer to her as The Ringed One. We came across another member of the Bannermanes. A Suncat named Tangent. She was quick to speak of her god, so it took no time to learn her talents. A Cleric is always good to have. I cooked squirrels for our party and received strange glances from the ponies in camp. Apparently they don't know how to catch their own food. I slept in a tree just outside of camp since the tents were crowded. Come morning, we traveled to a old Gobbo camp site where the party had encountered them before. Their tracks were numerous, and the smell of gunpowder was strong in the air. We found a box of fireworks left behind. While the party set up camp, I flew around and searched for signs of Gobbos. Can't have them sneaking up on us in our sleep. I found a wooden box with a ring inside. A wedding bad with the name Iris written in Sphynx on the inside of the band. Iris is a fairly common name, and also the name of the peninsula of the capital of Astillion. The box itself had "To the Ringed One" scratched onto the bottom. It was clearly stolen, so I kept it myself in case we came across the owner. Discovered my trap had caught 3 squirrels during the night. We spent days traveling back to Astillion, and not even through the woods like I had hoped. A lone goose flew over our heads several times. Odd that a goose would fly alone, but I couldn't be sure if it was the same one. Upon arrival, we were greeted by Dr. Amden who was waiting for us at the gate. His reputation precedes him, as he cut to the quick with his snide remarks. My party did nothing to reassure him that we were preventing a revolution by the Gobbos, so I explained the letter, and the fireworks we had found. Tangent was quite insubordinate and attempted to walk past Dr. Amden before he dismissed us. She was promptly assaulted by a..... single.... goose. After being reprimanded for neglecting his instructions, he permitted us to perform an investigation and discover if the Gobbos were storing fireworks.   We reasoned that traveling to the north part of town near the Origin Tower would be the best place to look. It's where the other fireworks are being stored and prepared, so would make an excellent explosion. We were barred from entry by a guard, and no matter how politely I asked him, he refused to let me in. Cher managed to fool her way in thanks to the help of a cowardly guard. While she searched, the rest of us looked at a clock tower close to The Origin. I flew up and found a piece of silk rope that reflected the sun so as to be very difficult to detect. Tangent grew a mighty Oak tree, but she and I failed to climb. I'm wearing armor that weighs me down, I don't know what her reasoning is for being such a poor climber. Cher returned and we decided it was best to climb the stairs of the clock tower. In the attic, we discovered a dark room full of fireworks had been collected, as well as a large banner of the Gobbos. The hole through which the rope was tied was too small for a pony to crawl through, but just large enough for a Gobbo to squeeze through. We bickered on about the next best course of action, but decided to see if there was a tunnel under the clock tower the Gobbos were using to remain unseen. Sure enough, a door lead underground, and the dusty floor was covered in Gobbo tracks. I used the universal hoof signals that all foals are taught during survival training to indicate I suspected there was danger, and to be alert in all directions. Instead of acknowledging and following me, the Kirin blew her blasted horn and announced to everyone we were there. Instead of my companions pulling their heads out of their collective asses, they decided to bicker once again. If we ever get caught by a competent enemy, we'll be doomed.   Scratches were heard in the far corner of the room. Dayspring, Tangent, and I found a tiny hole where the noises were coming from. Out came a Gobbo whose snoot was promptly booped. It began to panic and reach for weapons. The Kirin attempted to wrestle it out, but Dayspring and I covered the hole with a box instead. Tangent and Cher left to inform Dr. Amden of our discovery. Initially, a lone guard was brought back who didn't take things very seriously, even though there was a munitions pile and a zip line connecting the clock tower to the Origin Tower. Apparently this wasn't the first revolution the Gobbos had attempted, but this was the first time they were being lead by a smart Gobbo who could speak Common. The guard left presumably to confiscate the explosives. We pulled the box back and the Kirin successfully grabbed the Gobbo and pulled him out. His panic turned to calm when he saw Dayspring. I placed him in manacles despite his high pitched whining. If we can find someone who speaks this grating language, we can finally figure out what this infatuation with all things Ringed One is.

Missions/Quests Completed

Found the site of a goblin revolution within the city

The Bannermanes
Report Date
06 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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