Session 2 Report

General Summary

Zdrastvooyte! Cher here with details of pony adventures from last we talked. We learned from the loud angry bird that we will require the Aetherstone to complete our grand transit system across the mother land. Why this was not done sooner, Cher can only chalk up to incompetence of not having pony in charge of pony land. He will be replaced in coming revolution, yes!   The feathered one’s intel on where to find said stone was sparse, much like the space between the ear of zebra who joined us on our adventures. A Foreigner by the name of Zander, he is a zebra and lazy but ochevidno you knew that from the fact he was a zebra. He is not so important, what is important is feather head suggest the stone would be found in mount Ashborn, a fair treck from the headquarters.   Luckily one of those demon fire ponies, Kirin I believe came barreling out of the feather heads office. And yes, I agree number of non-ponies in pony land is oddly high. We will deal with in time.   For now, the creature was making a racket, I had intent to silence it but uh, the creepy pony, Cryptic followed me to where she had run off to. She had explained she was crying due being called dumb for her ideas of looking for the Aetherstone in an unexplored mountain land to the west called Autumntara Tips. I agree she was stupid; she can’t help it though. She belongs to an inferior species, and while she has no intel nor source and ostensibly no real reason to believe the stone to be there. It was closer.   We began our journey walking Alverton, Westray and all the way down to Millstone. The path was mostly safe, safe for pony of value at least. Party members Zander, Day Spring and Early Rise all lost 10 gold while sleeping. I can’t help but notice it was our non-pony companions who were stolen from. I see it as tax for their invasion in a space they do not belong.   Of note we found in Alverton that the goo pony with the Khula Khoup Day Springs, was dubbed the ringed one by the goblin left there. They are harmless and preform chores on behalf of the ponies in the area. If only our non-pony comrades could be so useful.   In Westray We ran into no issues, though our Striped nuance saw goblins pilfering fireworks putting their grubby hands where it does not belong. Zander of course does not report the issue. I can only assume it is because Zebra and goblin are much alike and they both smell so he was covering for them. he too will be dealt with in the revolution, yes. On the way to Millstone we met pony being accosted by goblins; I understood his pain being surrounded by nuisances myself. The party scared the goblins off. The goblin was afraid of the Pink butted one Day Spring, calling her the Ringed One once more. They were confused, but if one wishes not to be named such, one should not wear a golden ring around oneself… and should put on pants.   The fire works were for a festival, the founders day celebration. The day we celebrate pony becoming a minority in their own city. I only am thankful my comrades from my childhood are but ash and do not have to witness what we fought and died for. In millstone our dumber party member obsessed with black market accosted the inn keep with sexual advances, rightly he was dealt with quickly and slept on floor after being knocked out. Serves him right, though the inn keep was dirty zigger lover, so I can not praise. They too will be dealt with in revolution.   We are still on our way to Brashvile, and hopefully our group doesn’t combust from having such dense concentration of stupidity in one area. That is all for now. K sazhalyeneeyoo mnye para eettee   Da sveedaneeya

  • Cher
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Opened fast travel on all safe marked paths

    Character(s) interacted with

    Fireheart, Fatknee Goblins, Mainstitch Amden

    The Bannermanes
    Report Date
    26 Aug 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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