Session 42 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

After returning to Bleakburn, I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with the familiar air of home. We had some down time after informing the people of Dr. Amden being found. Everyone was relieved and a buzz fell over the city as everything seemed to go back to normal. The hustle and bustle I'm familiar with returned in full swing. I went to work writing a scientific paper on the Fauna and Flora around Bleakburn. I performed beyond my expectations and made 14gp. A small fortune to most. We took time to check in on the bakery's progress. The foreman showed us everything was in order, and ready for opening. He told us the old contractors were very upset about losing the contract. He wanted to invite them just to rub it in their faces. It sounded like a great idea, but we're going to invite all of Bleakburn so it's not so obvious. We went to Duk and learned she wants to name her bakery Starduks, but we're keeping it a secret for now. We wanted to have a Grand Opening ceremony for Duk, so we went to H. Truth who runs the Bleakburn Inquirer and informed him of the connection Duk has to the Bannermanes. How she was a slave in Weldstone, and saved our lives by inspiring us to fight against Sand Elementals. H. Truth agreed to write the story of the Grand Opening of the bakery and spread the word. It turns out H. Truth has a crush on the secretary across from his office. I gave him a hard time about it by threatening to flirt with her. H. Truth has an animated quill he named Scribbles who writes his notes for him.   The next day, we went back to Duk at Eleanor's Tavern and found her on her day off. Dolan had a schedule planned for her, but we told him to throw it out because something more important needed her attention. Duk became so excited when we told her it was official Bannermanes business. Dolan covered Duk's eyes with his wing as we escorted her to the bakery. Duk saw the bakery and didn't believe it at first. She swelled up with tears as I gave a speech thanking her for her service. She glomps every Bannermane in sight. While showing Duk her bakery and upstairs, she was given the deed to the property. The next morning, Duk invited us in after we stood in a long line at 08:00 in the morning. She greeted us warmly and gave us our order quickly along with two loafs of Pumpernickel Bread. We retrieved Mrs. Kaffe and started making our way to the mountains where her husband is.   We headed south along the shore line and landed on the outskirts of Westray. In the late afternoon, we were approached by the Westray Mainstitch, Wild Ace. He came out to speak to us about Mrs. Kaffe. He ensured nothing bad was going to happen, and then he returned to Westray. Sister Ash and I found 5gp in two discarded row boats on the shore. I kept 2gp, and Sister kept the rest. An overwhelming sense of fear was felt 60 miles northwest of Holbeck. I spoke to Mrs. Kaffe about it, and It seems she and her Kobolds aren't affected by it at all. She let out an intense roar to scare off anything scary. It shook me to my core, and I went to sleep trembling. The intensity of the fear was weak traveling to it, and then weakened as we passed it. Possibly something to do with Holbeck itself. We'll need to investigate later.   We traveled another day and stopped for the night west of Weldstone. Mrs. Kaffe warned us of the dangers of going any closer. We're close to her husband's territory, but there's the risk of other dragons being in the area. We decided to travel one more day by ship, and then finish traveling on hoof. We're going to anchor the ship, take the plants in our Bags of Holding, and then take them to Mrs. Kaffe's husband. Afterward she'll find a way for us to travel out of this area safely. We walked past the black scorch marks we've seen before, We identified the scorch marks are from a Red Dragon. We then stopped for the night, and Mrs. Kaffe identifies her husband's lair on the cliff side facing the sea. It's surrounded by scorch marks and claw marks with lots of rubble.   We woke up with thankfully nothing happening during the night. I was incredibly anxious that day. Mrs. Kaffe asked who's coming, and all the Bannermanes with her volunteer. Mrs. Kaffe cast an illusion spell to make our ship look destroyed. We loaded up her plants into our Bags of Holding, and made our way to her husband's lair. Mrs. Kaffe looked terrifying with her scales raised, and she walked close to the ground. We arrived at the lair, and Mrs. Kaffe instructed us to wait. We followed her when she went in and gave the signal of a little bit of fire to know it's safe. Darkness and intense heat greeted us. Lava is inside the cave, and it scolded our flesh as we moved across it.   Mrs. Kaffe walked ahead of us and announced herself. There was a sound of rushing lava, and then a booming voice roared out calling Mrs. Kaffe's name. The banter between Mrs. Kaffe and "Hubby" was amusing and terrifying at the same time. I was worried her husband would attack Mrs. Kaffe just for being there. "Hubby" was none too pleased when he found out we were there either. I pushed Swift Sail to the front of the group so he could speak on our behalf. He's far better with words than I am. Swift explained we were there to escort Mrs. Kaffe across the continent because of a deal we made with their son, Chauffeur. When asked why, Cher blurted out, "Money." More accurately, the Aetherstone.   As we continued speaking to Mrs. Kaffe's husband, I notice a large wound on the back of his head as well as several scratch marks on his scales. He's been through hell recently protecting his lair. Several Red Dragons have been attacking him, gathering their numbers and demanding his hoard. Before we could offer healing to him, Shabaka called out intruders coming through the entrance. 4 Red Dragons were attacking, and there's no way for us to escape. This is dangerous, but we have 2 Ancient Bronze Dragons on our side. Time to fight.

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