Session 10 Report

General Summary

Fayrock's journal - 2nd day of the festival

  • Entry n°1 [??:??]AM -
  • [Note to self : remember to buy a watch...] It is a surprise that awaits me as the first twinkles of the rising sun begin to bless my eyes with its delightful rays. As I awake from my heavy slumber, I notice my fellow teammates alongside me, proceeding to rise and shine from a well-deserved rest. As we make our way to the dining area, we come across our mainstitch Dr. Amden himself announcing to us that we will be welcoming a brand-new airship as part of the Bannermanes’ available utilities. That should ease up a few of our travels out of town, if we ever get clearance to use it that is.   As that little announcement gets to its closure and Sir Amden gives out his usual plethora of warnings, Moon Planter thinks fast and let our feathery boss know that we might have some bothersome company heading towards Bleakburn as they speak, namely a horde of goblins and their warboss seeking to settle scores with our very own entitled one. It is a surprise to no one when that news begets the chuckles of a few, including a certain great goose. Even so, Dr. Amden urges us to let him know if reinforcements are needed for the approaching scuffle. Other than that, our cleric did manage to stop his momentum by experiencing firsthand one of our boss’ passive-aggressive refusal to play schoolteachers.   After fooling around a bit more with a puzzling marble seemingly buried into the floor of the area, a discussion about how to solve that gobbo issue we got on our dirty hooves, paws, claws sprung up to our attention. After a few negotiation attempts from the team’s experienced trap setter Moon, and much contradicting happening mainly from Cher, we all reach a compromise that we would let the one-on-one between warbosses remain the main attraction of this whole ordeal as long as we still prepare a few tricks just in case the situation gets too hot to handle.
  • Entry n°2 -
  • We made our way to the town’s marketplace to prepare ourselves and seek out the equipment needed. That’s when the team mascot Grop unexpectedly sprung out of nowhere and although most of us couldn’t understand a word of his gibberish, it was clear he seemed concerned about something, and with the help of Dayspring’s official gobbo translator, he learned he had a pretty good reason to be. Poor guy had his little friend taken away from him by uncertain enemies, probably some that have ties to our imminent opponent but that wasn’t the worst news we got out of the deal.   Turns out the big battle is arriving a bit earlier than we thought. In fact, it appears that it's happening today! Well, going on heroic duties might distract some of us from bombing parties or exercising sexual abuse on a poor soul so all in all, not that big of a deal. And really, how much damage could a bunch of green-furred unrefined scoundrels do?  
  • Entry n°3 -
  • [Note to self: Remember not to underestimate gobbos accompanied by their warboss.] Damn it, these rascals are apparently already at the gates, and it seems they are bringing the whole family for this little event. No time to set traps, now. It bothers me to recognize it, but we were outsmarted this time. We are now heading towards the guards’ headquarters to ask for backup which isn’t so bad because oh boy I’ve got a bad feeling about this...
  • Entry n°4 -
  • [Note to self : Remember not to trust gobbos to have a fair showdown.] Well, on the bright sight, my intuition was confirmed, maybe I’m psychic or something. That would be neat. Oh yeah, the greenies and their “fatknee” warboss (I now get where his surname comes from) brought with them a massive rocket-like structure which appears to be filled with a pretty substantial amount of explosive powder and fireworks. And it’s directly aimed towards the gates. I have to note down, these creatures can be resourceful when they want to. Chances of success? I would rather not think about it. This might be our last battle but let us make this one count. I’m sure my companions will find a way to come out victorious just like they did up to this point.   Addendum e4-1 I take back that last part. Grot lit up the fuse. We are all going down.
  • Entry n°5 -
  • Criminey, they keep on popping out of the bushes, just how many of these pests did they bring? Dayspring, although followed by Moon planter and Tangent, seems to struggle a bit with this fat knee’d adversary. Good thing the backup guards have been helping to keep the smaller ones at bay. Grot, Cher and team buddy Grop appear to be making progress in defending from sneaky bush-dwelling greenies and also in… recruiting enemy troops? Sounds like it puts the main boss into a very bad mood as well, even going as far as attacking his former soldiers. I feel his grief. At least that will distract him for a while. And last but not least, Night Poutine, also dubbed “Doot”, is encouraging all of our efforts with a heartfelt song to boost us up, truly the star of the show. Thanks to Dayspring, Moon and Tangent taking on the main threat, I was able to try to redirect the missile to somewhere preferably not at the gates and/or half of our party but unfortunately, that attempt resulted in failure. [Note to self : Maybe slashing at huge explosive objects with an oversized sword isn’t a good way to make them budge, that hypothesis has been verified.]
  • Entry n°6 -
  • Update on the crisis: The fuse is getting smaller, we’re running out of time. More and more gobbos are being “recruited”; Cher is about to be mistreated by two evil munchkins but not in a sexual manner; Dayspring somehow passed out (I wasn’t aware that even magic spirit ghost corpse things could end up unconscious Doot, after having a trumpet battle with her gobbo counterpart, is now riding the rocket in an inappropriate manner, and what I once thought were harmless nuisances to me almost got done completely severing one of my forelimbs. I still somehow managed to redirect the rocket and now it’s heading towards one of the guard towers. A little bit better than before but I don’t think that will be enough to save all of us from being scorched to death. This isn’t looking too good for us…
  • Entry n°7 -
  • Another update : Good thing is that, thanks to Tangent’s last effort and a reformed gobbo willing to serve who they dub “the ringed one”, Cher was able to remain in one piece. Less good thing is that the rocket’s end is now starting to gush out loads of sparks. Luckily for us, Moon planter followed by our newfound gobbo troops thwarted the thing with enough force to position the head towards a slope of dirt nearby. Normally that would mean the missile would bury itself in a plot of land nearby and make us all return to the earth from whence we came but the shabby method the gobbos used to bring it here played to our advantage in a sense as it led to the heavy projectile’s head being positioned higher than its rear. Let’s hope this works. Doot is still having her fun atop of the red rocket.   Addendum e7-1 Times up, the rocket is launching… Please let this work. Doot is still on. I don’t know how to comprehend this situation.  
  • Entry n°8 -
  • It worked! The rocket slid off of the slope and went upwards, away from causing any damages to the entire battlefield. But Doot is still on? And then there is a huge object in the sky where the missile is headed. I wonder what tha-oh. The airship. I have reached the conclusion that if we don't die in the next few minutes, we will by the end of the day.  
  • Entry n°9 -
  • She did it! That Kirin is just full of surprises. By using her weight to prevent the oversized firework’s explosive finish from rocking down the airship’s gears, she saved all of our souls from getting torn to shreds by Sir Amden’s claws. I didn’t see her come down, though. Maybe she used a spell of teleportation to get to somewhere safe.  
  • Final entry -
  • All stand in awe as we realize what has happened. Moon planter dealt a blow of revenge towards the fat knee warboss’ most prized possession. And before long, the battle is over. But we would not have been successful if it wasn’t for her sacrifice.

    Rewards Granted

    Free meals and drinks at Eleanor's tavern for the rest of the week in remembrance of Doot and courtesy of Doctor Amden

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Gobbos in the former Fatknee tribe have now recognized Dayspring Temper as "The Ringed One" and their leader (warboss)


    Doot is now deceased. A body has not been recovered if one still exists

    The Bannermanes
    Report Date
    17 Nov 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    The Iris

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