Session 44 Report

General Summary

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Swift's Log

There’s a lot to catch ya up on since my last log and I fear for my hoof in filling in every detail, though I know you love to hear them. After we did away with the young red dragons, we sailed on back to Weldstone to meet our favorite goosey two-shoes to inform him of the news we learned. It seemed he’d done quite a bit of work on the town, the entire feel felt different. It was alive with young pups and shorthooves who were freed from their slavery in the mines. The chasms around the town were showing recovery and they even had a new well of crystal-clear water! We eventually caught up to Dr. Amden playing with some of the youth. I’ve not seen a lot of the goose, but this was an interesting side of him to see. As he was filled in with the news, the plan was set to collect our bulk of Aetherstone from Chaeffeur and finish the portal in Dakalai. The next 3 days were very entertaining aboard the airship with the wonderful audience of Dr. Amden to goof around with, or in some cases, being themselves was enough to do the trick. He kept us safe from peddling birds and we kept him busy with questions about bio-luminescent plants and essential oils all the way to Bleakburn. After 3 days of travel, it became apparent he was getting his own form of stir-crazy and reacting in his own unique way. It also became apparent to us that he needed some coffee, and thankfully we knew of just the place to take him~ Amidst the happy citizens, we guided the goose towards Star Duks where he rather reluctantly entered to find his favorite duck-looking mare. It was pleasant to see him play nice, in public at least, while suspicion and curiosity slowly crept over the goose in how she afforded the bakery, Duk telling him it was a gift and the plaque on the wall perfectly delivered the punchline that he was the pockets that paid for the operation! Amden did a good job of playing nice though his veins were bulging, Sarsparilla and I shared in a delicious bit of well executed playful revenge.   With our snacks gathered, we moved on towards the Textile, and I swear I saw him crack a smile. He’s seen my results, but now he knows I’m not just a pretty face and nimble swordsman. As we entered the Textile to bright smiles, Amden ordered no cheering on his behalf.   That would simply not do. I valiantly started up a fit of applause and hollering for the return of the Skeins’ fearless leader, an uproar of celebration was quick to follow as his Bannermanes welcomed him back the way he truly deserved. I haven’t quite had this much fun in an afternoon in a while as I watched embarrassment fall over his goosey beak. He was eventually able to escape to his office where we caught up with Fireheart who caught HIM up on how she’d been managing the city. He then found his desk, the one that Ord had cut the corner off of, and I really thought he was going to burst there. Fireheart quickly fumbled about to find a scroll and fix the desk she’d apparently not noticed. The goose thankfully got some stress relief in the form of embarrassing Cher, the party getting in on dousing her with coffee, water, and soap.   This chapter of fun with Dr. Amden officially ended and we went back to the airship for a direct route to Cheaffeur’s cave. We flew over where we found the… bio-luminescent plants which caught Tangent’s attention once again. I took my own chance to get another look at the plants with her, but there was still no time to afford to investigate further. Shabaka also took a chance to present his gift to Fireheart, a tremendous gesture, you can never go wrong with gifts. Once inside the cave, we wove through the tunnels, setting off every trap along the way. The kobolds greeted us and we moved past to Chaeffeur’s room. We reported our progress to the young adult brass dragon with proof of the job done, we were awarded our bulk of Aetherstone. We went back to the ship and set off on our expected 7-day trip to Dakalai, full of Cher pissing off the side of the ship and I got in a bit of card playing with the High Rollers. The trip passed without any grand events and we safely arrived in Dakalai. Shabaka checked on his shop and we moved on to their HQ to deliver the Aetherstone. I got an opportunity to meet this lad that calls himself ‘The Kirin’ in grand fashion, seems like a fun ego to toy with. Though he did do fine work in putting together the portal. Magic of this world is… astonishing sometimes. We were indeed able to step into it and were teleported across Astillon to Bleakburn’s teleportation room! Though it did give me a bit of a headache that’s starting to come back… I’ll have to sign off for now, but as ever I’m curious to see what comes next, and what will be done about Wati…  

Moon Planter's Downtime Log

The possibility of Morlog returning has been keeping me from sleeping. With the antics produced by my fellow Bannermanes preoccupying Dr. Amden, I haven't had the opportunity to really sit with him and speak. I'm going to have to rely on my own wisdom. I've spent the last 3 years being a Bannermane, and not paying attention to our history. Bleakburn's entire existence is owed to the Bannermanes that came before us, and now it looks like their unfinished work is falling at our hooves. It's known that Druids can extend their lives, as can Wizards. Wild Fire and Nevermore could potentially still be alive. When we returned to Bleakburn, I stepped away from the party and traveled to Lashtada's Library. After reading through the 12th volume of the Ponysutra, I realized I'm probably in the wrong place for the research I need. I went to the Luminance Library, where the staff were very helpful in bringing me volumes of history books and scrolls detailing the fight with Morlog. The Snow Griffin Rime delivered a near fatal blow to Morlog, but it was Nevermore who sealed him away.   Wild Fire himself was nearly recluse. Even in his hayday, he often kept himself disguised, and never took the glory for his accomplishments. He was very reserved, and humble. The texts describe him protecting a magical power, but no details of the power itself. Whether or not he's alive is still shrouded in rumors, However, if he is, then the most logical place would be in the forests north of Druidheim. Sister is from there, but she's said nothing of her home. The dense forests could hold all manner of secrets and dangers.   The Changeling we fought at Camp Weed Horse has been in those forests. The Blue Finch she wild shaped into is exclusively from there. If Morlog is returning with 3 other horrors, then we'll need Wild Fire's insight into how it was done. I'm not sure how to convince my Bannermanes or Dr. Amden this is worth our while, but I must try.

The Bannermanes
Report Date
27 Jul 2021
Primary Location
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