Session 9 Report

General Summary

Cher here! And she is plastered in every way possible! But through her brief moments of lucidity she will relay the info of last adventure! You can surely trust the drunk cum covered commie to give you an accurate depiction of reality, yes! The banner manes dutifully in correspondence with their obligations of guard duty set off to stop all evil from happening. By raiding a college party! Of course, beforehand we had to pretend to do work while actually just looking for fun, which was immediately ruined by resident buzz kill, nanaco the narc. Also known as moon planter, yes. We found a gathering of gear heads having fun, and unfortunately the pure stench of party pooping Planter sent them running, ruining the party. Cher was upset but not that upset, if she wanted to get fucked by a machine, she would just use a vibrator. we were however able to pick up some scrolls. And while I don’t approve of narching if we could get them to disperse on a country level, Cher may be in favor. On the way to the university we find our mute dooting friend… Poutin. Cher assumes, cher can only see blurs at this point. She may have drunk a wee bit too much. *Noooot*! That is joke she learned from dirty foreigner pigs… or griffons or whatever. Cher can’t tell the difference.   Poutin was stripped sticky and smelled of someone covered in shame. Cher does not think it was from her though, I don’t think the pony is capable of more complex thought or actions then blowing… with her horn.   Also blowing cock.   Getting to the school Cher and Putin pounce on a sphinx found to be opening the gates for us. None of us asked for the age, but then again bars don’t ask Cher, so she cannot complain! And while Cher was busy converting her hat and body into a fluffy cum bucket the others were off on their own degenerate activities. The gobbo apparently in her infinite wisdom had decided to try to set off a firework in the headmaster’s room, with them or at least their familiar in it. What would lead her to make such a decision? The simple act of suggestions from three small fillies. Yes Cher may not have gone to high school or middle school or any form of school actually, but she can’t help but feel being bullied into doing stupid things by people you barely know and will never see again is pretty much what school is all about.   But we were able to stop a terror plot to destroy the angry feather one’s office and his pet goose! Of course, we stopped said plot by stopping ourselves from doing it but at this point a win is a win. We also set said fireworks off in another school room with the fillies in it. They were severely injured and poisoned by magic. so all and all, acceptable casualties, yes. Much less collateral damage than normal. We are the improved! We of course did what any good government official does and blamed innocent citizens for our actions took credit and receive paid vacation. The sphinx who we fucked was also demoted, for stealing a key that allowed them to have said party to begin with. He’s also facing jail time like the other three fillies.   While the gobo who planned the terrorist attack was promoted for not doing said terrorist attack. She is now a full-blown banner mane, a prestigious group that accepts only the highest skilled people! Like Cher, a 16 year old with no education, no training and no prior job history Praise be pony land! Praise! Dasvidaniya!

Rewards Granted

Grot is now an official Bannermane

Missions/Quests Completed

Students were taken into custody, and mandatory guard duty is ended for the involved parties in session 8.

The Bannermanes
Report Date
10 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
The Iris

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