Session 11 Report

General Summary

A new day had dawned. We had stayed up enjoying the 2nd night of the festival. Poutine's death weighed heavy on some of our minds, but it seemed she wanted to die. Very unusual, but I didn't let that dampen my spirits. I danced the night away and crashed back at our barracks in the early morning. We woke up to Dr. Amden banging on our door and ordering us to a meeting. It was well before his morning coffee, so something was serious. The consisted of Dr. Amden berating us for intentionally targeting the Clockwork Airship with the Gobbo Rocket. The two soldiers who I intended to write Letters of Commendations for lied to Dr. Amden. We quickly told our Mainstitch that we didn't have time to aim anything. We merely pointed it away from the city to avoid civilian casualties. He suffered a severe migraine, but understood. I imagine losing company equipment is very expensive and time consuming, but better a ship be repaired than lose civilian lives. We must protect them. Dr. Amden gave Tangent a list of parts we're to pick up and return with so the ship can be rebuilt. They're needed by the end of the month, so there is plenty of time.   Once our meeting was done, I wished to speak with the Captain of the Guard regarding the misinformation delivered to Dr. Amden. The Captain saw us immediately. He was pleased to hear his guard performed admirably during the fight, but angered to hear Dr. Amden was given bad information. He offered an unnecessary excuse for his guards, saying that during the heat of battle, it's difficult to determine what really takes place. Regardless, he assured us they would be disciplined. Cher Noble, the ever present drunkard that she is, had not sobered up by morning. She likely drank until she passed out in bed. Cher spoke up and attempted to convince the Captain that I in fact did aim the rocket at the ship. The Captain paused to consider this information before breaking out into laughter. Cher's alcoholism is becoming an embarrassment and a burden upon the Bannermanes. She's likely to lose her station if she doesn't sober up and contribute positively to the company's image.   Both Dr. Amden and the Captain of the Guard now fully acknowledge the threat the Gobbos bring. Most of them had either been turned or killed during the fight, but Fat Knee and his Cleric survived. We asked to speak to the Cleric to learn more about them. The jail house permitted us to enter, and we approached the jail cell where we had found Grup before. The Cleric was snarky, but intelligent. Grot spoke to it in their language, but it soon began speaking Sylvian to the rest of us. Having worked with Grot and Grup, I've learned that a certain measure of violence is needed to gain their compliance. An abhorrent practice for civilized society, but the Gobbos are not civilized. The more Gobbos we turn to serve the Bannermanes, the more powerful we'll become. So long as their Warboss Dayspring remains loyal, that is. The Cleric taunted and lashed out from its cell, and then challenged me directly so I obliged. I striped myself of my armor and weapons and was locked inside with it. It attempted to throw sand in my eyes, but I quickly used my wing to throw it back into his. He cried of me cheating, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. The little booger mouthed off and was chopped in the neck with my wing, but submitted and called Day Spring Warboss. Fat Knee himself is to be transferred to Crimin Isle. I suggested a public execution, but our laws didn't permit it.   We learned this Gobbo worships a god called Night Krumper. I didn't recognize the symbol, but it's similar to the Night Princess. We learned from Dr. Amden that it's the symbol of the Night Mare. I've never heard of Her, but Dr. Amden was repulsed because she's evil. The Gobbo was cuffed with manacles and leashed so that we could take it out to town and introduce it to pony culture. His Holy Symbol is safely in our possession. We're not giving it back until we know this one can be trusted or controlled. I gave him the name Pasquale. We traveled through the city and introduced him to food. He fought against accepting pony culture, but was finally won over with Tusk Dogs. A new deep fried concoction of sausages rolled in batter. With patience and carefully timed krumping, Pasquale came to accept pony culture. We ate food, drank drinks, chased pigs, and watched fireworks. Our new Gobbo ally will be useful. We travel to the Gobbo camp East of here tomorrow. The Gobbos who turned on Fat Knee went ahead to deliver the news.

Rewards Granted

New fren

Missions/Quests Completed

Possible Gobbo ally

Character(s) interacted with


The Bannermanes
Report Date
01 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
The Iris

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