Session 56: Moving on... Report

General Summary

Barbados has left the heroes, unwillingly, as he gave his life while battling Kex the beholder. The remaining party, Beaufort, Orlac, Mycha, and Tymaret carried on without their barbarian friend (and his magic missle demonic arm).   They made their way to a lower level and were immediately surprised by a roper hiding amongst the ruin of a collapsed room. Although there was only one of the rocky aberrations it managed to entrap both Orlac and Beaufort in it's tendrils and pull them towards its stony maw. Beaufort took much damage, but they were all able to defeat the creature after hacking away at its tendrils.   Moving down a wide corridor painted in scenes of demonic depravity the party turned west into a triangular shaped room with a hulking, metal statue of a humanoid. Orlac entered the room first and was immediately set upon by the statue. All engaged the thing in battle with Tymaret taking heavy blows and noxious cloud of poisonous gas. The party prevailed, with the help of Beaufort's distracting pike-thrusts.   The heroes then moved through doors, both secret and wooden, to find themselves in a chamber apparently for ranking cult members. A tabled held a magical candelabra, a book on the liturgy of Tharizdun's cult and a series of papers detailing the Triad's plans, including recent successes such as finding Lareth, uncovering the fire node, and calling Imix. Five chests were in the room associated with individual bunks and once past the glyphs of warding. The heroes investigated the chests and found a magical hat, a scroll of protection from fire and one of lesser restoration, and a jar of some magical ointment. The heroes will have to wait for attunement before all the magical properties of these items are known.   Sevearal hobgoblins were in a nearby room. They had obviously been toiling, removing rubble and clearing the floor when the heroes approached. Beaufort engaged these martial goblinoids and spoke to them of their bretheren that the party had previously released from servitude. The hobgoblin Crank spoke about their time in the temple dungeons, clearing rubble, some whispered learnings of a person named Falrinth, and the cultists nearing their goal of bringing darkness back to the world. In the end, however, they wanted to leave and Beaufort allowed them to, but not until a threat from Tymaret about their actions after escaping.   Finally (after another ogre killed in his bed), the party came upon a bound Cannones Y'dey in a sumptuously appointed chamber. She had been gagged and tied with ropes, but Beaufort released her. The Canoness Y'dey spoke of being captured and taken to this chamber. She knows only that the cultists are close to releasing Tharizdun and think the party should travel to the greater temple area...   The party seems not to trust her, especially after Orlac cast commune and learned that the person is not who they say the are.

Rewards Granted

Roper x 1: 1800
Iron Golem x 1: 15000
Ogre x 1: 450   Total per PC: 4,312 xp

"Cannoness Ydey's" Room...

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
03 Apr 2022
Primary Location
The Temple of Elemental Evil
Secondary Location

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