Session 23: the journey to Llorkh Report

General Summary

After the roadside battle with the hags, the adventurers arrived in Zelbross and the warm comforts of the Three Pipes Inn run by vertically challenged Ribbles Nicklestamp. While the party tucked in to a good meal, Emmanuel Woodsmoke walked across the village to the Sly Fox Tavern to ply his artistic trade (and make some silver). Back at the Pipes, a mysterious woman spoke with Beaufort De Montague stating she was an agent of The Harpers and friend of Bronwyn Daggerford. Lady Daggerford had requested a report on the mission's progress and Beaufort reported that all was well and that he had remained virtuous and true to the Lady despite many entreaties. The agent thanked Beaufort and left abruptly.   While Khusrov proceeded to over-indulge in Ribbles' libations, Emmanuel in his bed was wracked by nightmarish and fey visions throughout the night. It appears he was touched by the surviving hags in his sleep and "permanently" lost ability points. Only after the travelling to Loudwater the next day and enquiring in the Temple of Torm did he realise the severity of his affliction. Layson Fireblade, Loudwater Torm Priest, charged Emmanuel with a quest: if he returns a mailed-fist relic in the Temple of Bane in Llorkh to Loudwater, the Torm Priest will see to it that the high healing magic required will be bestowed upon Emmanuel.   The adventurers then left Loudwater and made the day's journey to the Nighthunt, a hunting lodge near the confluence of the Logrann and Greyflow rivers. Another party was in residence and the adventurers spent a few pleasant hours in their company and that of the proprietor Ildur. In the middle of the night a carriage entered the courtyard and five ruffians emerged. Orlac had taken watch in the nearby forest and noticed this event. He attacked with fireballs and the rest of the party emerged from their slumber into the courtyard. A pitched battle ensued with spell casters in the carriage flinging their evil magic at the adventurers (Emmanuel's arms were temporarily destroyed by Witherlimb). In the end, the carriage held Master Dunrat, the evil force behind the spies in Secomber. Before dispatching him, the adventurers learned that Tal Chammish, Dunrat's contact in Llorkh stays at The Harpy and is waiting for relics from the The Moathouse. Besides this, they learned of Dunrat's superiors at Stalagos, Hendrick and Naquent.   Beaufort took Dunrat's ochre robe.

Rewards Granted

Monsters: acolyte, priest, 5x spies (all buffed) = 2000 xp Adventure progression = 4000 xp   1000 per PC

What do we do with Master Dunrat (top) and Khusrov enjoys a quiet drink at the Three Pipes, Zelbross

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
10 Mar 2021

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