Session 21: Leaving the Temple Report

General Summary

Will the hobgoblin contingent in the Temple slain, the party investigated the outbuildings and ruined tower of the temple complex. A ruined structure to the north had stairs leading to a cramped basement and Beaufort De Montague, disguised as a hobgoblin, crept through the cramped entry way at the base of the stairs. Beaufort couldn't respond to the challenge, gagalak, spoken to him by the cellar residents, and he was blasted by a burning hands spell cast by one of them. After Beaufort cast sleep upon two hobgoblinshe stumbled (valiantly) up the stairs, Khusrov jumped down to the cellar and took up the fight. He was joined by Midnight Snow and Garadin. Within a few swings of swords, and a thunderwave cast by the hobgoblin, all the goblinoids were dead. Finding not much of value in the cellar, and no clue why these hobgoblins were hiding out here, the party marched toward the lone tower.

A stout wooden double door barred entry, but the barbarian and elf Paladin attempted to kick it down. Failing miserably, Midnight picked the lock, but not before a few goblins on the broken ramparts above dropped alchemists fire upon them, hitting Midnight and catching her on fire. Khusrov ran into the tower leapt over the barricade and began swinging. Others followed him into battle with the hobgoblins firing arrow and swinging their longswords, some brought down by a judicious casting of grease.  As the goblinoids shouted at each other during the battle, Garadin could partially make out what they were saying: who are these intruders, watch the nilbog, where are the others, the others are no help--gagalak take them all. The nilbog continued to cast spells, avoid damage and cause a small amount of mischief before he, too, was slain by. A (somewhat hasty) check of the tower turned up nothing of interest, goblin nests, sleeping areas for the hobgoblins.

After an uneventful night in the forest outside the temple, the party spent the day in cold travel to Secomber. A good night's restt at the Inn left them refreshed, but the next morning's discussion did not much to keep their spirits high. Both Burne and Elmo Guildas suspected they would not find much more than a hobgoblin hideout in the old temple (although they were wrong about the moathouse...) In confidence to Beaufort, Elmo suggested that Bronwyn Daggerford would want Beaufort to continue his investigations and it seems that the trail leads to Llorkh. The supposed Temple of All Consumption may be located in the Graypeak mountains surrounding the mining city, the Doomdreamers mentioned in the Excerpts from the Journal of Geynor Ton are said to the dread priests of Tharizdun and may be based there, or worse the dark god himself, imprisoned long ago, may be rising.

Rewards Granted

Monsters killed = 2100 XP
300 XP per PC

Battle Scenes!

A hobgblin about to cast burning hands at Beaufort

Hobgoblins barricaded in the tower
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
07 Feb 2021
Secondary Location

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