Session 25: Arriving Llorkh! Report

General Summary

After a day's ride from the Nighthunt, the party, plus Alanor Thundertree arrived in Llorkh, an ancient dwarven mining town, now run by the Zhentarim. Lord Geildarr Ilthym is the ruler of Llorkh, a Zhent, and some say a puppet installed by Zhentil Keep. The Temple of Bane holds sway, Bane-ites and the Lord's men (a 300-400 strong army) keep Llorkh's denizens in check. The people of Llorkh keep their heads down, their opinions to themselves, and get on with the business of moving trade goods, working the mines of the Greypeaks, and getting on with it. The increased coin in the city due to Zhent trade doesn't hurt.   As the party arrived in this mountain city they were greeted by Blackeye , a dwarf, and purveyor of information, advice, and seeming goodwill. He took the party's horses to the Blacksaddle Stables in the southwest of the city, and the party themselves to The Harpy, an inn of not sterling repute, but where Tal Chammish, a name noted in several bits of recovered correspondence, resides.   This night, however, the party was interested in the Temple of Bane. The temple supposedly housed a relic stolen from Torm's priests in Loudwater Map . Emmanuel Woodsmoke had been charged by Layson Fireblade, priest of Torm in Loudwater, to retrieve the relic in exchange for magic that will restore his health drained by a night hag (see Session 23: the journey to Llorkh Report). After scouting out the temple, both with Beaufort's Arcane Eye and by chatting up the Bane-ite guards, Emmanual, Orlac, and Beaufort entered the temple through a sewer grate and stairs to a private chamber. They did not find the mailed fist in any of the temple's outer rooms, so they entered the inner sanctum and were met by a Bane Warpriest and four Animated Armour guardians. The Warpriest warned them off, but the three attacked with Orlac's fireballs and silence spells, Beaufort's Ray of Frost and Emmanuel's heart attack after the Warpriest cast Heart Stop upon him. While the battle raged on around him, Emmanuel clutched his chest and tried to return to life. Beaufort was laid low by a Wrack spell and he, too, almost fell, but Orlac's healing and quick wits saw the battle to its conclusion with the party triumphant. The mailed fist was in the sarcophagus-altar and the party escaped back through the sewers before the Bane-ites could pursue them.   With the city's Temple of Bane desecrated and the head priest killed will the city erupt into chaos, martial law, or something worse?   Will the adventurers brave Stalagos, possible location of the Temple of All Consumption?   Will Orlac continue to save everyone's bacon?

Rewards Granted

Monster XP = 5800 Adventure advancement = 500   Orlac, Beaufort, and Emmanuel each earn 2,100 XP.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Mailed Fist of Torm has been recovered.

The Harpy, a pleasant pub in Llorkh, and a battle in the temple.

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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