Session 15: Off to the Moathouse Report

General Summary

The day began at the Inn of the Welcome Wench with some warm bread and honey, a few rashers of bacon, and a bit of ale to wash it down. Elmo Guildas met the party in the common room and began to speak of the tiefling and half-orc prisoner when Burne walked into join. Burne his concerns about the prisoners and the appearance of spys in Secomber. Burne was especially concerned with the papers mention of 'relics' in the moathouse shrine and the mention of the Temple of All Consumption (see Session 14: Elmo Opens Up Report).Burne knows of no "Master Dunrat" the person to which the papers are addressed or "Naquent" the signatory. Llorkh the village two days ride up the road is also mentioned which suggests trouble afar. The mechanical-bird scrying device in the tree outside the miller's indicates that others have seen the party.   Emmanuel Woodsmoke questioned Burne's insightfullness if he couldn't uncover a plot in the village of which he is lord and at this Burne abruptly left, muttering.   The party then left for the short ride to the Moathouse, but before they set off Chatrilon Unosh pressed himself upon them and joined the party. A couple of miles from the Moathouse the party met an old half-elf druid named Delian (ol' Del) whio cautioned them against going to the Moathouse as a dragon had recently taken up residence.   Dismissing his concern, the party rode to the Moathouse and invesitgated its ruined superstructure and wandered the courtyard. A large pool of dried blood in the middle of the courtyard led up the steps into the great hall. As the party rose up those steps a huge beast landed behind them and roared, a young blue dragon (you can really picture ol' Del snickering to himself). The dragon unleashed a lighting breath weapon injuring Beaufort De Montague and Emmanuel, Beaufort quite badly. Garadin cast a spell commanding the dragon to flee and this gave the party time head down a stairwell, taking them to the dungeons below.   They were immediately set up on by two gnolls, strangely garbed in black scale mail and capes, each wearing a medallion with a flaming eye symbol (the same symbol referenced in Dunrat's papers). The creatures kept coming as Garadin was suprised by a ghast who was immediately joined by three ghouls who emerged from the open passage to an ancient torture chamber. None of the party were paralyzed by the undead before they were dispatched. In the afermath, Garadin opened another door to a former amoury and found the alchemist Spugnoir hiding, having been driven here by the dragon. Spugnoir was thankful for the food offered, but reluctant to delve the dungeon.   Delve they did, however, after Emmanuel found secret door in a pillar of the torture chamber. This led to crypts containing more ghouls. The crypt of alcoves and sarcophagi has a overbearing feeling of evil and a chill in the air. Beaufort's detect majic ritual sensed the presence of evil magic below and away from where they entered.

Rewards Granted

800 XP for each PC

The flaming eye of elemental evil.
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
06 Dec 2020
Primary Location
The Moathouse
Secondary Location

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