Session 31: over the bridge of doom Report

General Summary

The party was still reeling from the loss of Beaufort De Montague as they investigated the rooms and passages near the bridge across Stalagos's icy waters, they found many interesting things: in the long oval room there was a map of the surrounding complex on a one of multiple tables (see image), overstuffed chairs and other trappings of a Great Hall. Attached to this room were two adjoining chambers, a kitchen, and a well-appointed bedroom with bureaus, desks, side tables and other comforts. Here the party found many noteworthy items including a letter to the "Masters" (Oamarthis's Letter), a bookshelf of tomes with one one book on the history of the temple of elemental evil (taken by Midnight Snow), a treasure chest with gems, gold, and a potion. Some items in the chest were destroyed as it was opened by Tymaret using repeated Acid Splash cantrips.
  The kitchen held an old, frightened cook. The party questioned him, but gained little information. All wondered what to do with the man, how to bind him, was he a threat. Emmanuel Woodsmoke took care of that.
  Before exploring further into the complex, Orlac ritually cast Divination and learned that the leader of the water temple is a human, female cleric. This, combined with Oamarthis's letter, and their previous encounters, lead to some party introspection: seems this bridge complex is between the earth temple (see Session29: Trapped in the Mines Report) and perhaps a water temple ahead. What does this have to do with the ransacked The Temple of Elemental Evil near Secomber? What is the Outer Fane mentioned in Oamarthis's letter? What is going on?
  With these questions in their minds the party continued along the mining tunnels of this ancient dwarven hold. They encountered Owlbears, more guards and a seahag in a subterranean lake. As we left the party they had just entered a cavern with a fish-humanoid that had demonic wings sprouting from his back.
  One could literally smell the fear  on Craig and Daren, two rescued farmers, taken in by the party. Or was that "night soil" in their pants?

Rewards Granted

Monster XP:
Owlbears x 2 = 1400
Guards x 9 = 225
Commoner x 1 = 10
  Adventure advancemen:
3500 XP
  Total XP = 1,027 per PC (Emmanuel, Orlac, Midnight, Tymaret, and Barbados/Khusrov).

The barbarian looking pretty casual, all things considered... & Oamarthis' map

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
23 May 2021

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