Session 22: Off to Llorkh? Report

General Summary

After returning to Secomber from the The Temple of Elemental Evil, the party spent a day milling about Secomber , selling loot, buying potions and winter supplies (the cold of Nightal coming fast). Discussions with Elmo Guildas in the Inn of the Welcome Wench reminded all about the missives found in the flour mill (Session 14: Elmo Opens Up Report) , one in particular that read, "A wagon can be obtained from Tal Chamish in the nearby city of Llorkh to haul whatever you find back to the crater." Elmo surmised that the "crater" must refer to the crater ridge mines, an old dwarven mining operation ringing the caldera of Stalagos, an area in the Greypeaks to the north of Llorkh and four days ride to the east. The party also recalled Excerpts from the Journal of Geynor Ton that mentioned the Doomdreamers. Elmo reminded all of Burne recalling that the Doomdreamers are powerful clerics of the dread god Tharizdun.   It seems the party's quest lies to the east in Llokh, and thus they set out the next morning. It was a pleasant day's cantor to Zelbross, broken up by pleasantries with passing farmers, goodwomen, and a carriage of Waterdeep nobles (the Cassalanters they think). By midday three old women approached the party and after short banter, it appeared they were not what they seemed. Garadin's spell identified them as fiends, and the party variously attacked and parlayed with the creatures, particularly Beaufort De Montague who recognized that the women's entreaty of aid against the "dark tentacles of hell" and "help with your quest" must refer to their charge of rooting out the evil growing in the area, in particular the tentacle imagery of the dark god and the spreading darkness foretold. The women spoke as well of small favour expected, a retrieval of items...   A mutual agreement could not be made, however, and the women, now revealed as hags were killed or escaped to some other plane or place. A deal with the fiends might be forthcoming, but not on this day.   By the late afternoon the party arrived at Zelbross and the Three Pipes Inn. Emmanuel Woodsmoke began to regale the locals with his music-making and the party settled in for rest and a warm meal.

Rewards Granted

3600 XP for killing or driving off the hags
1800 for quest progression   900 XP per/PC

The old ladies turned out to be hags!

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
04 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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