Session 22: Enemy at the Gate Report

General Summary

As the party flys away from the turmoil and chaos of the gate, the forces of evil emerge and gain a strong foothold across the ruins of Arkdale. Hordes of zombies under the leadership of Alaster organize in one area, Xolthar the mind flayer leads the forces under the control of the intellect devourers (brain crabs) in another section, and the third section of the city is now overrun with demons, lead by Shade's patron who controlled her to rip open the gateway to the Shadowfell and the Abbyss. Flying overhead also exists Grimwraith, the corrupted red dragon from the Shadowfell.   As the party retreats, Shade's patron punishes her for abandoning him on the field of battle to join her friends in the airship....removing all of the power and magical boons bestowed upon her - leaving Shade as a week and powerless shell of what she used to be.   The team ponders the inevitability and powerlessness they feel against such an awesome foe. Some ponder just retreating away, but realize the best course of action is to turn back and try what they might to push back these forces of evil. As the team plans their response and push back, Fizban reveals himself as the historical platinum dragon Paladine in disguise; a powerful ally of good and one who feels he must step in even though he promised not to meddle in the affairs of men directly. He also offers the aid of the birds he so often is caught talking with - these turn out to be disguised gold dragons that can act as mounts for several of the team.   Fizban opens several portals for the party to rally forces of good to help support the efforts. Wellys travels instantly off to the home of his Aarococra brethren; where he draws an army of areal combatants to their side. Marigold and Tiathina walk through a portal to bring back an army of paladines to come to their aid. Fara departs to rally the thieves guild to use the tunnels beneath the city for guerilla warfare. Ilyanna and Incyra travel to the Fae to find all forms of faery creatures to come to the aid of the teams. Ricfried travels through to the Shadowfell to ally with Victoria and the vampire soldiers.   With a sure plan at hand and the forces for good rallying, the team coordinates their attack on the forces occupying the ruined city. Wellys commands the attack from the air against the mind controlled pawns of the intellect devourers, raining death from above against the enemy. Ilyanna and Incyra lead the fae against the zombie hordes, while Fara controls the forces attacking across the entire battlefield from beneath, popping up out of sewers and drainage tunnels running beneath the city, firing, then ducking back down to attack again. Marigold charges the horde of demons with her paladin army, forcing them back towards the portal. The remaining members attack from the air, several riding the dragons to combat Grimwraith and others attack using ballista from the decks of the Arachne as Zarra masterfully pilots the ship across the battlefield.   The epic battle causes heavy losses on both sides of the line, with many friends and foes lying in the wake of the battlefronts. As the battle comes to its conclusion, the forces of good are able to finally push back the tides of evil, laying waste to the enemy lines. The final retreat of the mind controlled ranks is quickly destroyed - the remaining hosts to the intellect devourers destroyed.   As a last action, Fizban seals shut the tear in the center of the city - closing the portal for good to prevent any further unrest from the Abbyss and the Shadowfell. The party is left to perform some cleanup, but is left to ponder the extreme cost of the battle. Many of the teams friends and allies lay dead from the encounter, yet those that remain are thankful for the heroes of the day.   The depressing ruins of Arkdale cause the party to recover in Cragsbrooke, where the team recooperates and recovers, and the lands begin to celebrate the success of day. The team each receives recognition as "Heroes of the Realm"   Epilogue: Weeks of celebration follow the conclusion of the battle of Arkdale, where feasts and celebrations spread for days upon days without end. Joining in the celebrations are Augustus and Nax from Candlekeep journey to congratulate the party. Captain Oro and Ol' Chowder from the Sea Queen also join the celebrations. Lt. Yang and the Sovereign Princess of the Shader Kai join the celebrations. Sylk joins from the fae with two dryads - one on each shoulder. Anlow also joins; with Sylk they put on an amazing musical accomaniement. Two people join to thank the team for saving them; Irva and Stoneheart also join the party - Irva running to give a hug to Ilyana. Chief Buntu and new mother Breeana, the newly married woman that was saved so long ago also join.   In addition to all of the successes above, the evening hours also see a group of thankful spirits emerge. Captain Kit, the red haired captain that had been taken over by a brain crab appears in spirit form, giving a nod and a wave of thanks to the party. Jolo, the adventuring guide who lost his life in the Bush of Kitidari also appears, making a sign of thanks. Flint and Gromp, two of the thieves who helped fight the final battle from underground also appear in spirit form - losses of friends overwhelm the party.  

  • Brom takes time to travel the world with his dragon travel companion - looking forward to the next adventure.
  • Ricfried seriously considers going back to the dark lands with Victoria. He still shows up in the nick of time to help those in need.
  • Marigold decides to go back to the order to become a teacher and help regrow the order, riding off into the sunset on her noble canine.
  • Ilyana decides to retreat back to the fae for a time, to spend some time with the free spirits of the fae, before continuing on again.
  • Incyra also decides to return back to the fae and seek out Sylk, where she gladly jumps into the mudbath with the other fae creatures. She desires to learn what she can from Sylk before returning to adventuring.
  • Wellys retires from his adventuring by returning back with his aaracocran brethren - returning to the home that he left so long ago.
  • Tiathina retreats back to the mountains to help rebuild her paladin order, also riding off into the sunset on her huge elk steed (it is actually a moose, but noone told her).
  • Shade enjoyed her ride with the light, however the darkness continues to call to her. She continues to seek opportunities to recover what she lost.
  • Angelo decides to set up a druid shop, interested in helping with the recovery effort. He makes himself available, however expects that he is enjoying his retirement.
  • Brill rides off into the sunset, still questions his life in the past; will they ever be answered? He vows to continue to help his compadres. He returns to his home to strengthen his skills before returning. He hopes to overcome the tyrants who want him dead.
  As this chapter comes to a close - the city of Arkdale dedicates a statue to the Heroes of the Realm the entrance to the city; a reminder of the party that gave so much to help those in need.

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