Maralinga Caves

General Summary

Our intrepid adventurers discovered that the Central West was not the place of origin of the strange dirt found on the tyres and shoes of their assailants. With help from geologist Dr Emmi Stanton, the likely location was in central South Australia - specifically Maralinga.   Upon approach to the area the group observed a distant explosion. An explosion that blossomed into a mushroom cloud that could mean only one thing. The extent of the UK testing of atomic bombs had moved from off shore Western Australia to the mainland itself.   The impact of the explosion rendered James unconscious and left Sam and Rosemary to attempt some emergency landing, resulting in damage to the undercarriage but little else damage.   Coincidence or not, the landing site was near the target zone, yet the surrounding air was already reaching dangerous radioactive levels. Taking suits, Rosemary, Klaus, Alice and Sam looked to explore the Maralinga Blowhole while James and Frank worked on repairs to the aircraft.   The blowhole seemed to descend to several levels as investigated. Upon the first level a cavern was discovered that contained fifty or so metal - autopsy style tables. Oddly, each table seemed to have a skull sized hole at one end. All tables also showed several brown aged stains that were identified as dried blood.   Travelling lower, the group - lessened by Sam who had succumbed to his PTSD and could not continue - discovered a tunnel that lead to a similar, though larger, cavern that was discovered above.   Here, our adventurers discovered Klaus' wife and also his daughter and her grandfather. Liesel's hair was now white as snow and would account for the train shooter. Tensions rose as Klaus appraoched Liesel to release her from danger. Ludendorff - Liesel's grandfather - theatened to kill Liesl if she did not complete Helene's plans.   Things became uncontrolable when Rosemary and Alive shot and killed Ludendorff. Liesl became unconsolable and seemed to explode in a blinding flash, seemingly fulfulling her mother's desires.

The Day the World Changed

Rosemary Page

Rosemary Page

Samuel Marlowe

Samuel Marlowe

Franciszek Wesoloski

Franciszek Wesoloski
Player Journals
The Trip to Maralinga by Samuel
Report Date
17 Mar 2022

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