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4th October 1956

The Trip to Maralinga

by Samuel Marlowe

For some unknown reason, the bi-planes veered off. What was that all about?
The trail to find Leisl leads us to something known as the "Maralinga Blowhole" according to the CSIRO. The science nerds say it blows wind instead of water. Strange!!
We are on our way to a spot about 10 miles outside of Maralinga. As we approach the landing spot, there is a huge explosion and a mushroom cloud 50-60 miles away.
Shit!! Is that what I think it is?
No time to think! James has been knocked unconscious by the first blast that hits us.
Rosemary and I take the controls and manage to get the plane onto the ground without too much destruction. Landing gear is shot again. Oh well. If that 's the worst that happens its not too bad.
As we climb out of the plane Rosemary gives us the great news that the radiation can can travel up to 100 miles in a circle around the blast. We are probably 50 miles away.
As fortune has it, we have our radiation suits with us. Frank won't go anywhere without one.
Luckily, we somehow managed to land near the Blowhole.
As we descend, Klaus, Sam, and Rosemary fall to the flor of the hole.
Actually, it is only a ledge we have landed on. The hole continues further down from this ledge another 15 to 20 feet. There i, however a tunnel on this level leading to the North West.
We follow this tunnel about 80-100 feet and the tunnel opens up to a larger area.
What the hell? Is this another weird ass science lab?
50 or so metal mortuary tables covered with blood and other unknown body fluids.
Rosemary and Alice confirm it is Human blood.
Blackness.....flashes of something from the past.....I've seen this before...In Korea....the horror....I followed orders and turned a blind eye then....blackness
Next thing I know Frank is shaking me back to consciousness. Where is everyone else? They must have kept going. We have to find them. I'm not going to let this happen again.
We make our way down a level, walking into a larger room with those damn death tables in them....just in time to see Rosemary and Alice shoot an older man dead.
As he falls to the ground, a middle aged woman holding a young, white-haired girl's hand makes a signal and a blinding white light exploded from the girl.
As the light dims, several things happen at once.
The woman and girl (apparently Helene, Klaus's ex-wife and Liesl) went through a doorway that appeared in the wall behind them. After which the door closed again.
The bodies on the tables started twitching and moving.
Rosemary subsequently picked up the mans weapon and started shooting the animated bodies.
As Klaus works to open the door, we defend out location from the Zombies.
Klaus opens the door and we all pile inside, closing the door behind us.
Behind lies a metal passage that ends in a steel web of some sort.
Every time someone plucks one of the "strings" I get flashbacks of some sort.
Something to do with Rosemary, a woman with bright red hair and a man.
Something I investigated in the past but has been blanked from my mind.
Rosemary gets another vision of me having a discussion with Mr Smith where I was uncomfortable investigating his daughter's disappearance.
Something to do with Helene and this "web"
It starts coming back to me... I was investigating Mr Smiths's daughter's disappearance and had found her. While I was doing this, the Red Head came up behind me, grabbed my head, and erased my memory of the investigation.
Rosemary touched the web and it moved aside.
Beyond the web, the passage led to a large cavern.
In that cavern we found Dr McSwain - the Red Head!!!!!!!
She started to explain things..
Oh my God! Rosemary is somehow Mr Smiths's daughter. I discovered this during my investigation. Clearly I was disturbed by this.
Liesl is beyond our reach now, and Mc Swain has suggested that we look for more information back at the CSIRO..... as she fades from view.....
A door appears behind where she was and stairs lead up to our plane.
We head back to Canberra to look for answers to these new questions.

Continue reading...

  1. The Railway Shooting
    25th September 1956
  2. The Trip to Maralinga
    4th October 1956
  3. The Answers are in Canberra?
    8th October 1956
  4. The other Sydney.....
    Late July 1956
  5. The Return
    15th-16th July 1956
  6. The Return (Part 2)
  7. The Return Part 5
    15th November 1956
  8. The Return Part 6
    20th November 1956
  9. The End or a New Beginning?
  10. The Arrival...
  11. The Arrival (Part 2)
  12. The Arrival (Part 3)
  13. The Arrival (Part 4)
  14. The Lake Investigation
    13th-14th July 1956