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The Last Gleaming

A Zweihander game In the world of The Last Gleaming
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Allan Whythe
    An American down on his luck, Allan Wythe crouches before passerby, begging a crust of bread or a few bent coins to sustain body and soul in this hard world.
  • Anna Monroe
  • John Jay
    John Jay is a young man, perhaps 30 years old. He is of Huguenot descent, though he was baptized in Trinity Church and belongs to the Anglican faith. His wife is Sally Livingston, 11 years his junior, daughter of William Livingston, a leading lawyer and politician. He has one son, Peter Augustus Jay, born in late January 1776. A graduate of King's College, Jay became a prominent lawyer in NYC. A delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, Jay now heads a secret committee of the New York Provincial Congress, charged with investigating conspiracies against the Continental army in and around New York City
  • Marguerite de la Montagne
    Marguerite de la Montagne is the comely widow of Arnaud de la Montagne who died of cholera five years hence. She did not remarry, focusing instead on her inn, the Dark Horse Tavern off Broadway, close to King's College. She also owns a lot and the slave George. She is an honest, well-respected taxpayer, and from her vantage point of tavern keep, knows much that goes on in New York City.
  • Nelly Garness
    A Friend of Poppy Hill's, sharing that same ancient profession
  • Newby Wilson
    Newby Wilson was the son of a slave in Williamsburg, Va. He showed aptitude as a young man and his master taught him to read and write, arranging a tutor to educate him. When he geaduated, his master, Peyton Randolph, freed him from slavery and as a freedman he serves as a messenger for the House of Burgesses in Williamsburg. Newby came north with the entourage of Martha Washington with messages from the Virginia House of Burgesses for John Jay and General Washington.
  • Poppy Hill
    Poppy is a doxie from a seedy brothel on The Holy Ground behind St. Paul's Chapel. The Stalwarts met her one night, as a young soldier accosted her and when she refused him, "not liking the look", she said, he began to savagely beat her, kicking her on the ground. It was then the Stalwarts arrived and they taught the young soldier a lesson he is not likely to forget any time soon. Once that soldier was sent packing with a final kick in the seat of his trousers, Poppy raised her skirts, seeking to repay, but the Stalwarts were kind to her instead, gave her a morsel of bread and escorted her back to the brothel. Treated like a lady when so far fallen, Poppy is friendly to her benefactors and hears things in the pursuit of her living that might be useful for them to also hear.
  • Sarah Roosevelt
    Quick and intelligent, at 20 Sarah Roosevelt is quite lovely but has rejected all suitors so far. She now stands to inherit whatever part of Isaac Roosevelt's fortune has been left to her. But she may not survive captivity a second time at the hands of Major Winchester
  • Toby Tyler
    Potboy - negro slave
  • William Elphinstone
    Until recently, William was a well-respected, aging scholar who ran his own school for "gifted" students. Well versed in Greek and Latin and perhaps other languages, he occasionally visits the Dark Horse and is on good terms with the Widow Montagne. He has an extensive library in his schoolhouse on Broadway. Rumor has it that "the Elf" knows more than is good to know about certain subjects forbidden by the churches of the city. The Stalwarts met him at the Dark Horse and found him an entertaining drinking companion, though there is something a little odd about him. As though the sleight of hand he performs to entertain others at the pub is only a performance to hide a deeper magic.

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 8th October 2021 20:00

4-Shudder Island

Sarah Roosevelt, her eyes beaming with dewy gratitude, is returned safely home to her brother James at their mansion on Queen's Street.   You learn that Captain Farley and his men were commandeered by the Mayor, David Matthews, for a night time operation on Governor's Island to erect breastworks and emplace 10 heavy cannon as a deterrent to British warships that might attempt coming up the East River and raking the city with cannon fire.   While such an action was within the Mayor's jurisdiction, as a public work, the timing is certainly suspect, given the known Tory leanings of the man, an appointee of Governor Tryon.   John Jay listens to what you tell him and seems to "mullet" it over (get it?).   "Did you believe what Major Winchester said, that this Glorious Cause in which so many have given their lives is, in reality, an amphibious assault on the foundations of sanity and society?"   "We have no time for idle speculation," he continues, "when there is a real enemy out there."   "Your friend and former General, Nathanael Greene, requires your assistance. At the Eastern end of Long Island is Shelter Island. We have received reports that British warships have been sited in Gardiner Bay by lookouts on that island. You are to proceed to the island and make inquiry. Have a care! We have reason to believe some of the inhabitants are not the good, upstanding patriots we would ratber have on guard."   "I needn't tell you if the British are planning a landing in force on the eastern tip of Long Island, our generals need to know it!"   So it is, that almost three days on a wagon along the bumpy road, broken by a tavern every 12 miles or so, you cross by ferry to Shelter Island and start looking for the nearest tavern!

Sessions Archive

21st Aug 2022

Fof: Session 2, The Price of her freedom

50 Reward Points were earned for two hours of game play We will begin the next session with a pre-game debrief in which every character who describes how the session impacted their character will gain another 50 RP. All talents and bonus advances must be purchased to advance from basic to intermediate tier. You began with 700 RP, 300 more must be acquired to complete basic tier. Each advance or talent requires 100 Reward points.

24th Sep 2021

Session 3: Tew's Rest

We will begin the next session with a pre-game debrief in which every character who describes how the session impacted their character will gain another 50 RP. All talents and bonus advances must be purchased to advance from basic to intermediate tier. You began with 700 RP, 300 more must be acquired to complete basic tier. Each advance or talent requires 100 Reward points.

Read the Report
10th Aug 2021

8th Aug 2021


Read the Report
8th Aug 2021

FoF Session 1: The Price of Her Freedom

"A Malefactor, accused of Witchcraft as well as Murder, and Executed in this place more than Forty Years ago, did then give Notice of, An Horrible Plot against the Country by Witchcraft, and a Foundation of Witchcraft then laid, which if it were not seasonally discovered, would probably Blow up, and pull down all the Churches in the Country."   Cotton Mather "The Wonders of the Invisible World" Published Oct 1692 in Boston   "Can the intervention of the sea that divides us cause disparity in rights? Or can any reason be given, why English subjects, who live three thousand miles from the Royal Palace, should enjoy less liberty than those who are three hundred miles distant from it?"   John Jay. "Address to the People of Great Britain" as a delegate from New York to the First Continental Congress, convened September 5th, 1774 in Philadelphia at Carpenter's Hall, still extant.   It was evident, despite his lawyer's and politician's craft of dissembling, that John Jay knew somewhat of the infamous Major Winchester when Winchester's name was mentioned. Jay has returned to the Dark Horse Tavern belonging to the Widow Montagne, not far from King's College where John Jay attended school, in the company of Newby Wilson, a black servant freed by Peyton Randolph of Williamsburg, President of the First Continental Congress, before Randolph died of apoplexy (the story goes) while dining with Thomas Jefferson at City Tavern in October 1775. Newby arrived with dispatches from the Virginia House of Burgesses for His Excellency, General Washington. He seems well educated, well dressed, and carries with him a copy of John Locke's "Second Treatise on Government", 1689.   Here is your opportunity to learn more about your foeman Winchester, at the risk of John Jay's favorable disposition if you fail. You might also learn more about Jay himself in private conversation with the Widow Montagne, who doubtless remembers him from his school days, but might wonder at your rebel allegiance if you fail. You might also learn more about Jay's time in Philadelphia as a delegate to the First Continental Congress and the death of Peyton Randolph from Newby Wilson, who was doubtless present in Philadelphia when John Jay and Peyton Randolph were there.   You have an engagement this evening at Tew's Rest, a notorious establishment on the seedy East River waterfront of the otherwise prestigious Dock Ward. You hope to recover Sarah Roosevelt from Major Winchester and perhaps best the British fiend himself with the dozen troops provided. What is your plan of attack?   Make sure your sheets are complete!

27th Jun 2021

Pressure Testing the Flames of Freedom rules

13th Jun 2021

Flames of Freedom Intro

23rd May 2021

23rd May 2021

23rd May 2021

23rd May 2021

Session 2: The Incident on Cruger's Wharf

Having made your way safe from the demon-haunted grotto beneath Peck's Slip, ascended to the warehouse where Sarah Roosevelt was held captive, then liberated by thine valor and now is kidnapped again, you hold the Deep One artifact, The Staff of Jove, which the cruel British officer, Major Harold Winchester, covets and is willing to trade the lovely young lady in exchange to obtain. He will await you at the tavern known as Tew's Rest (named for a notoritous pirate) on Cruger's Wharf in the Dock Ward. There is an ominous peal of thunder overhead as you make your way from the warehouse in the early morning, still shaken by the appearance of the Philistine fish god from the Good Book, called Dagon. (1 Samuel 5.2–7)

Read the Report
25th Apr 2021

Session 1: The Staff of Jove

You have almost reached the bottom of the dark, noisome grotto illumined by strange phosphorescent algae clinging to the rocks. Who suspected such a subterranean cavern was under the wharves of the East River?   You have come for the Staff of Jove, demanded as ransom by the heinous Major Winchester for the lovely Sarah Roosevelt he holds captive again. Even now, you presume, this vile agent of His Majesty lurks in Captain Tew's tavern on Cruger's Wharf, awaiting his prize. Austin was nearly done for after the last encounter with a 9' tall Deep One, the amphibious creature who killed Isaac Roosevelt, Sarah's father. And now you have found a pillar on one of the rocks with manacles holding the remains of two slender arms. What now?

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Austin Roe

Josiah Wilkinson

The Mystery

Martial Melee +10,  Martial Ranged +,  Simple Melee +10,  Simple Ranged +10,  Toughness +10,  Stealth +10,  Survival +0,  Navigation +10,  Resolve +10, 
Peril Threshold:  / 6 / 12 / 18
Current Initiative: 8
Current Movement: 7
Damage Threshold: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24