Session 1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 1 Report

General Summary

Arrival at Dawnhold

  The session began with the party's arrival at the formidable gates of Dawnhold. Despite the bustling activity and tight security, Goruk's authoritative presence and quick thinking ensured a smooth entry for the group. Goq-Ixai cleverly concealed himself beneath Frostbulb's imposing figure to avoid drawing undue attention to his demonic features, which had previously incited fear and prejudice among the locals.  

Encounter with the Primarch

  As they proceeded towards the Hearth of Harmony, the atmosphere of the ancient keep pulsated with hidden currents of intrigue and danger. It wasn't long before they were intercepted by the Primarch of Dawnhold himself. With a grave demeanor, he disclosed that a courier tasked with delivering a vital missive had mysteriously vanished. The contents of the missive remained undisclosed. Urged by the gravity of the situation, the party agreed to trace the courier's last known steps toward the nearby Reflecting Stream.  

Tragic Discovery

  At the Reflecting Stream, amidst the serene sounds of flowing water, the party uncovered a grim scene. They found a rest stop cabin stained with the signs of a violent struggle and signs of the missing body of the courier. It became evident that the assailant had not lingered, fleeing back towards the safety of Dawnhold's walls.  

Confrontation with Cleemo the Rusalka

  While investigating the scene, the party encountered Cleemo, a mischievous Rusalka known for its deadly charm. The water fey ensnared Goq-Ixai with a bewitching spell, luring him into the perilous waters. Thanks to Frostbulb's keen observation and timely intervention, the party managed to break the enchantment and ultimately vanquish Cleemo.  

The Trail of the "Barefoot Bandit"

  With Cleemo defeated, the group followed a distinct trail of footprints leading back into the city. Their investigation took them to the bustling Silvered Market, where they pieced together clues through conversations with wary vendors. It was here that they encountered Silorva, a Crooked Finger informant, who revealed having equipped the elusive "barefoot bandit" with new boots. Silorva suggested that the bandit might be collaborating with Jored Kor, a disgruntled soldier known for his discontent with Dawnhold's leadership.  

Towards the Whitestone Barracks

  Armed with this new information, the session concluded with the party's entry into the Whitestone Barracks. Their goal was clear: to confront Jored Kor and unravel the plot that led to the courier's untimely demise. Perhaps within the barracks more answers could be found about the deepening conspiracy within Dawnhold.

Character(s) interacted with

A chill but kinda racist Gate Guard   The Primarch   Cleemo the Rusalka   Silorva Torkelven   Jored Kor


Silorva mentioned a man who went by 'M'.   A storm's arrival coincided with the courier going missing.

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