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Session 1: Ambush in Tirwick Wood Report

General Summary

Within the forests of the Tirwick Wood, an unlikely party of adventurers encountered one another.   Vallis and Omar, riding in their carriage on the way to Aerdaris encountered Marnie. They chatted for some time, and with some tension in the air, they agreed to give her a ride to Aerdaris.   Around the same time, Nahar was tracking wolves through the Tirwick Wood. An attack on livestock at a nearby wood elf community had recently happened, and he was searching for the perpetrators. As he searched, he learned that there were humanoid tracks along with the wolf tracks.   Eventually, their paths crossed as the carriage carrying Vallis, Omar, and Marnie was stopped due to a blocked road. Marnie astutely pointed out that these felled trees had all the trappings of this being an ambush, and within a moment, they were ambushed by a party of goblins.   The newly formed group banded together and fought off the goblins and wolves, with the help of Nahar. After a tough fight, they slayed them all. After searching the goblins, they found a strange, slightly melted brass ring.   When discussing their next moves, they all got into a bit of an argument, but eventually all agreed to head to Aerdaris together. After a short walk, they arrived at the city gates eager to enter and find what awaits them.

Rewards Granted


  • Looted a goblin, found a damaged shortbow, 8 rudimentary arrows, and a bag containing 3 silver and 7 copper.
  • Looted a goblin, found a damaged shortbow, a damaged scimitar, 6 rudimentary arrows, and a bag containing 15 copper pieces.
  • Scalped two wolves.
  • Looted the burned goblin, found a semi-melted brass ring.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has been formed, and made its way to the outskirts of Aerdaris.

Character(s) interacted with

Chi-Chi, Omar's carriage driver and family servant.

Created Content

Goblin raiding party in the Tirwick Wood that had encountered the remains of a fallen member of the Children of Cinder. They took the man's destroyed Band of Loyalty.   This man was part of a group that burned down a wood elf community in the Tirwick Wood, which Nahar was a member of.


Player Character Origins/Goals -    Vallis (High Elf, Wizard):

  • Searching for the lost city of Nythvânōr with Omar. He has been searching for it for years, ultimately desires the thrill of exploration and vast knowledge that was lost there.
  • Has the research and notes from his old teacher, as well as a lead to seek out Miirthal Stormthar in Aerdaris .
  • Omar is his patron, funding all of his expeditions in exchange for a piece of the rumored power in Nythvanor.
Omar (Emerald Dragonborn, Bard):
  • A noble who has been handed everything on a silver spoon. Desires to make something for himself, and to actualize power that he has achieved through his own merit.
  • Funds the research of Vallis and aids him in his search, in hopes to find this power at the end of the journey.
  Marnie (Stout Halfling, Ranger):
  • An outlander who spends most of her time in nature. Has recently begun encountering strange sensations, and believes herself to have some sort of connection with dragons.
  • She is traveling to Aerdaris in search of someone who can answer her questions. 
  • She also heard of the upcoming event where the seers of the Ardent Flame would give a prophecy. She hopes this prophecy might guide her on where her life will take her next.
  Nahar (Water Genasi, Druid):
  • A social outcast who spends most of his time in nature. Seems to care for animals more than people, and does not desire to be around those who are of "higher-breed".
  • His community was burned to the ground and he is searching out those that did it. He has no names, just visual reminder of their appearance on that fateful day.

The Sunken City
Report Date
29 Dec 2022
Primary Location
Tirwick Wood
Secondary Location

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