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The Sunken City

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Estorim
12/29/22 | Full


  • The Selindae Shore
    The Selindae Shore is a coastal region in the western lands of North Aeldran that borders the Selindris Sea.   A number of prosperous port towns sit along the shore, the most well known being Aerdaris, the luminous city. The Selindae Shore also has a number of well traveled trade routes connecting its cities with settlements more inland.
  • The Realm of Estorim
    This is an overworld view of the Realm of Estorim. The world is broken up into four major continents, each separated by a body water. These four continents are Aeldran to the East, Tyroril to the South, Galindor to the west, and Numril to the north. In the middle of all the continents is a great and vast ocean known as the Shrouded Sea.
Supporting Cast
  • Advar Elosear
    A quiet, middle aged man with short sandy hair and stubble on his face. Advar was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's "hunter". He does his job quietly, catching food as necessary.
  • Albath Grandkeep
    An middle-aged human man of the noble house Grandkeep in Aerdaris. He is seventh son born in his generation, and as never truly taken an interest in the life of a noble. Instead, he takes interest in exploration and study, with a fascination of documenting the living remnants of prehistoric life. He is one of the predominant researchers and sources of knowledge on dinosaurs. He runs a paleontology museum in Aerdaris, The Hall of Behemoths.
  • Ardent Lord
    The king and ruler of Aerdaris. First born of the current generation of House Aerdan, and keeper of the city and the Ardent Flame.
  • Bantar Darrip
    A simaren man in his mid 30's with black fur that fades to white near the top of his body. Bantar was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as one of the crew's riggers. Being a simarah, he loves climbing and is rarely seen below the masts of the ship. He is also outgoing and loves to make a ruckus.
  • Quartermaster Bentley Evershod
    A proud and amicable human man in his mid 30's. Bentley has known the Stormthars since his teen years when he joined their mission. He has developed a strong relationship with Cormyr and is his second-in-command as the ship's Quartermaster.
  • Cadman Flintfist
    A stoic but jovial dwarf with a thick brown beard, a clockwork arm, and strong features. He was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's bosun and engineer. He knows his way around a ship just as well as a clockwork device, and he dreams of intertwining the two.
  • Daragal Zeverim
    A foreboding half-orc in his mid 50's. Daragal was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's swabbie. He's been a sailor his whole life and once was a pirate. He has a bit of temper but does his best to be patient.
  • Sgt. Darith Morris
    An honest and hard working guard in the city of Aerdaris.
  • Farand Rahnah
    A small, serious human man in his mid 30's. He is one of the attendants of House Aerdan in Aerdaris, and serves as the personal schedule keeper for the Ardent Lord.
  • Feavor Gust
    The teacher of Vallis Silverhall, and friend of Miirthal Stormthar. He was a wise and talented wizard who was seeking the lost city of Nythvanor until he succumbed to old age.
  • Iylda Timberfoot
    A young halfling woman with fire-red hair and a strong wanderlust. Iylda was hired by Cormyr Stormthar as the crew's cooper. Her family has been building barrels for generations, so she figured this was her best way of seeing the world while using her skills.
  • Kemzuld
    A brave and loyal bronze kobold of indeterminant age. Kemzuld was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's loremaster. He was sent by his draconic master as a favor to Miirthal Stormthar.
  • Provendinaurox
    An adult silver dragon, and one of the dragon sages of the Scarlet Dragoon. He serves as Marnie's patron and confidant. He left months ago in search of answers to Marnie's abilities, and she is now in search of him.
  • Puk Bonechopper
    A short-temperd and no-nonsense goblin hired by Cormyr Stormthar to be the chef of his crew. Puk is willing to cook and eat anything and he dreams of catching and cooking a mighty sea beast some day. Can't stand it when people sneak food.
  • Lorekeeper Qrianthi Highfeather
    An elderly avalian with brown feathers that have grayed with age. Qrianthi is the "lorekeeper" of the city archives in Aerdaris. He is wise and gets overly excited at the prospect of new knowledge, he can be found on occasion flying between the floors and shelves of the archives to help locate certain books.
  • Serilda Filcot
    A human woman in her early 30's with long flowing brunette hair. Serilda was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's navigator. Cartography has always been her passion, Serilda was trained in navigation from a young age and is an expert in reading sea charts.
  • Thulnir Greygrog
    A stout dwarf with auburn hair and short beard. Thulnir was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to be the carpenter of his crew. He was never one for caves and mining, so he left the great halls of his people to venture the surface as a carpenter.
  • Tobis Figglespark
    An eccentric and excitable gnome inventor and artillerist with a bit of a crazy look in his eyes. He was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crews chief artillerist and gunner. He is a talented inventor, and has an almost unhealthy love of explosions.
  • Treman Durwahl
    A young man in his late 20's with shoulder length, jet-black hair and a short beard. Treman was hired by Cormyr Stormthar to serve as the crew's lookout. He constantly has a spyglass to his eye looking for new lands.

Sessions Archive

4th May 2023

Session 17: The Grand Voyage

27th Apr 2023

Session 16: The Warehouse Fire

The heroes have cleared out all of the remaining members of the Children of Cinder from their warehouse hideout in Aerdaris, save for Talthir, the Ignited One the group has captured. As the party finished off the last Kindling in the cellar, a lone Fire Scamp dashed off to the warehouse, mischief across his face. What does it intend to do in its final moments, and what awaits the heroes as a result?

20th Apr 2023

Session 15: Purging the Cellar

After a gruesome and life-threatening battle, the heroes have managed to dispatch all of the Children of Cinder on the main floor of the warehouse. With countless injuries they must make a decision on how the intend to proceed. Their spirits are hire, but what else awaits them in the cellar?

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13th Apr 2023

Session 14: The Den of Flame

Within the mysterious warehouse in the Seaport District, the heroes have found the local base of operations for the Children of Cinder in Aerdaris. They've managed to dispatch the guards from the barracks without alerting the whole facility, but what other dangers await them?

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6th Apr 2023

Session 13: Infiltrating the Warehouse

After stalking a known member of the Children of Cinder, the heroes have followed him back to an alley in the Seaport District. Behind an illusory wall, they found the entrance into the secret hideout of the Children of Cinder in Aerdaris. Many men and strange creatures of flame await inside, but what else lies in store for the heroes, and will Dane find information about his fallen comrades?

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30th Mar 2023

Session 12: Ash on the Docks

Marnie has found the information left for her by Provendinaurox in the Archives of the Ardent Order. Either by skill or luck, they managed to find what they were looking for without alerting the guards. With the day mostly complete, what awaits the heroes as they head back to the Seaport District to track down the scoundrel Dane is looking for?

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23rd Mar 2023

Session 11: The Ardent Archives

Once reacclimated with the city, the heroes visited the Halfsized Hovel and came across a few leads to the questions they had. Marnie's leads pointed her toward the archives in Aerdaris, and Dane's pointed him to the Seaport District. After visiting the Sharktooth Inn, the group learned they had to return in the evening to find who they are looking for, so what will await them as they make their way to the archives?

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9th Mar 2023

Session 10: Back on the Streets

With the tomb of Captain Zander found and his journal recovered, the crew has begun making preparations for the grand voyage into the Shrouded Sea. The ship will cast off in two weeks time; how will the heroes prepare for this journey, how will the mysterious Children of Cinder respond to their loss of the journal, and what will become of their own various ambitions that brought them to Aerdaris?

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2nd Mar 2023

Session 9: Return to the Surface

After finding Captain Zander's tomb, the heroes have retrieved his journal and relics and began making their way out of the crypts. In their departure, they were ambushed by the Children of Cinder in the Temple of the Departed. What will be the outcome of this skirmish, and what awaits the heroes in its aftermath?

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23rd Feb 2023

Session 8: The Tomb of Captain Johar Zander

The heroes have slain the arachnoid denizens of the collapsed cave and have found a way deeper into the lower levels of the catacombs. Zander's tomb is within reach. What awaits them inside, and will it hold the answers they seek?

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9th Feb 2023

Session 7: Carrion and Cobwebs

After clearing most of the rooms in the upper crypts and dispatching countless undead, the heroes have still yet to find the tomb of Johar Zander. Could it lie beyond the collapsed tunnel?

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2nd Feb 2023

Session 6: Denizens of the Catacombs

After slaying the undead that had been disturbed, the party of adventurers have finally been reunited. Things seem calm for now, but other creatures seem to lurk within these crypts, and Zander's tomb is still yet to be found. What awaits the heroes as they get deeper into the catacombs?

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26th Jan 2023

Session 5: Crawling through the Crypts

Upon meeting Dane Tormail in the crypts beneath Aerdaris, the party has begun slaying the risen undead and exploring in search of the tomb of Captain Johar Zander. After rising conflict in the group due to the senseless thievery of Omar, the ceiling in one of the passageways has collapsed, separating the heroes. With Omar isolated and surrounded by zombies and the remainder of the group trapped within the dark catacombs, what awaits the adventurers?

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19th Jan 2023

Session 4: New Companion in the Crypts

The adventurers accepted Miirthal's offer and have agreed to join his grandson Cormyr's expedition into the Shrouded Sea. But before they can leave, they have some tasks to complete. Miirthal has instructed the group to venture into the recently closed off catacombs under the city to retrieve the belongs of the legendary pirate, Captain Zander. When they arrived, they found the priests killed and the entrance blasted open. Who has been disrupting the dead and why? And what horrors await the party within the Aerdaris crypts?

Read the Report
12th Jan 2023

Session 3: An Explosive Introduction

After their initial exploration of Aerdaris, the newly formed party found themselves in the midst of an explosion in the Seaport District. They have dispatched the mysterious culprits, but mystery still surrounds the events that transpired. What is fate of those inside the Smiling Kraken Tavern, and why was Miirthal Stormthar's meeting place targeted by this well-organized group of marauders?

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4th Jan 2023

Session 2: Arrival in Aerdaris

The newly formed party approaches the city of Aerdaris, their relationship still unsteady. What awaits them instead the city as they begin their journey together?

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29th Dec 2022

Session 1: Ambush in the Tirwick Woods

Four travelers from various backgrounds and locales find themselves in an unlikely encounter with one another on the Tirwick Trail.

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During the event known as the Great Deluge, Estorim was flooded until there was nothing but ocean. It remained this way for some time, until the waters receded giving birth to the known continents.   It is said that at this time an ancient civilization was wiped away, and with it all their stores of knowledge and power kept within their capital. Disparate factions seek to find this lost city and recover the artifact of untold power that may be housed within. But, what has been cast away may have been hidden for a reason, and nefarious forces are on the move, seeking to harness the power that has been lost,

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Marnie Rumblehill

Level 3 Summoner.
39 / 39

Vallis Silverhall

Level .

Dane Tormail

Level .

Nahar Galle

Level .

Omár Chikōndi

Level .