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Session 13: Infiltrating the Warehouse Report

General Summary

Upon Nahar's return to the group, the heroes began their infiltration of the Children of Cinder's warehouse. They crept their way into the facility, with Marnie taking charge. However, despite Vallis cleverly making attempts to detect sources of magic and indeed finding such a source within the entry hallway, Marnie scouted ahead, stepping onto a tile on the floor and triggering a mechanism within the walls. A source of magical flame spewed forth from the ceiling, burning her as she dove out of the way, deeper into the building.   The sounds of footsteps and shouts could be heard coming from the next door barracks, as Nahar and Vallis quickly worked to disable the trap by setting a magical flame into the empty torch sconce on the wall. By the time they had finished, Marnie had taken cover behind a nearby barrel, and two men came skulking out of the barracks. Nahar had the idea to whistle, giving his position away while allowing Marnie to stay hidden. The two men rounded the corner and the parties engaged in combat.   One of the two guards cast a spell and ignited the blade of scimitar in flames, while the other spoke incantations and caused the tiles under the heroes to begin glowing red hot. Cinders began leaping into the air underfoot, burning the party as they traversed the tight battlefield. Dane and the two guards began exchanging blows with their weapons, while Nahar and Vallis slung spells from a distance to damage the two men. Omar tapped into his well of magic as well, ushering forth words of aid and assistance, bolstering his allies. Meanwhile, Marnie snuck in from behind, hammering a piton beneath the next door and blocking them from retreating for help. As the two men grew injured from their wounds, they began to fight more ferociously. One placed his hands together in a fan pattern, blasting out bouts of fire onto all by Marnie, burning them all in the process. The other landed multiple deep cuts on Dane. Vallis pushed past them into melee, drawing the sword he earned from a previous fight with the Children of Cinder, and he began imbuing it with magic as spell strikes while he attacked.   After about a half minute of fighting, a third man staggering forth from the barracks, clearing intoxicated. Marnie rushed at him and kicked him back into the room while her friends finished off the other two guards. When the heroes killed the two guards, they erupted in flames upon death, and the whole group rush into the barracks to aid Marnie. Their strength was enough to overcome the man, and Marnie snatched the Fealty Band from the man's finger. The ring glowed red hot with heat and left a brand on his finger as it burst fire onto his hand. With the man subdued and tied up, they took the opportunity to interrogate him and to search the room.   Marnie and Omar began breaking into the small chests at the foot of each bed in the room, while Dane and Nahar questioned the man for information pertaining to their own personal histories with the Children of Cinder. Dane learned that the Warden's Talisman was loaded onto a boat about a week back, along with the man that betrayed his order. Nahar learned that a dwarf was responsible for the attack on his glade, and that he too was loaded onto the boat. They learned that both these men currently have no name to be referred to, and that a person who goes by A.A. currently has the talisman. After interrogating the man, they shoved him into a barrel.   Meanwhile, Marnie and Omar found a lot coin and other useful items amongst the possessions of the guards in the barracks. Specifically though, they found a strange censer and an old damaged staff. Nahar took the staff, recognizing it as the staff once wielded by the leader of the druid order in the glade he came from. Dane recognized the censer as coming from his monastery up north, so he took it into his possession. Adhered to it were pieces of parchment in an unknown language, covering the prayers carved into the censer. Along with it, they found a strange note that contained repeated prayers and recollection of the murders of his old friends, with a particular emphasis on his companion Jhaster Marellus.   With the room secure for the time being, the heroes have begun plotting their next moves and to what extent they want to clear out the facility. They have learned that what Dane was looking for is no longer present, but they are uncertain if they should deal with the remainder of the cult presence.

Rewards Granted

  • Dane: Lesser Thurible of Revelation, note from monastery defector
  • Nahar: Fractured Staff and bracelet belonging to "bear-dwarf" leader of the glade
  • Others: Alchemist's Fire, Vial of Giant Centipede Venom, Hand Crossbow, 10 bolts, Thieves' Tools, 1pp, 20gp, 29sp, 15cp (may have given a little more gold than this?)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Dane learned that the Warden's Talisman has left Aerdaris 

The Sunken City

Marnie Rumblehill

Level 3 Summoner.
39 / 39

Vallis Silverhall

Level .

Dane Tormail

Level .

Nahar Galle

Level .

Omár Chikōndi

Level .
Report Date
06 Apr 2023
Primary Location

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