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Session 15: Purging the Cellar Report

General Summary

After the gruesome battle in the warehouse, the heroes retired to the barracks for a needed respite and chance to tend to their wounds. As they caught their breath, Dane revealed to the group the scroll he had in his possession, allowing his to cast Divine Respite and provide the group with 8 hours worth of rest in a mere hour. This provided the heroes with much needed energy and rest after such a demanding fight.   After the spell was cast, Dane went through all also tended to everyone's wounds, though he did harm himself in the process. Once he was finished, they ungagged the member of the Children of Cinder they had captured and began questioning him again. They learned his name was Talthir Charwind, and that he was recently promoted to second in command of this facility. He explained he was an Ignited One, and also explained the rank order in the organization. They continued to press him for information, which he provided small bits here and there to the best of his ability, without letting go of too many secrets. He told them what was in the cellar and they way in which they summoned the elementals into the material plane, and then the heroes re-gagged him.   Knowing they had the number advantage, the heroes decided to descend into the cellar and purge the remainder of the cultists from the city. The found one Children of Cinder Kindling and three Fire Scamp in the cellar, just as Talthir Charwind had told them, and the immediately jumped into action to defend their makeshift shrine. However, the whole cellar was full of a hazy layer of smoke, impairing visibility in the chamber.   The man produced a scroll and leaned a strange summoning circle on the ground, attempting to complete some sort of ritual to call a being into cellar to aid them. However the heroes would not allow this to happen. First, Nahar blinded the man with a briny bolt to stop him from reading the scroll. The fight ensued around him, but he wiped his eyes in frustration and began reading again. As this was going on, Marnie crept her way back up the stairs to keep an eye on the stairwell, as she urged Ralphie to fight via their tethered lifeforce.   Meanwhile, Ralphie fought the scamps with Omar's help, Vallis teleported behind the man in an attempt to attack him and distract him from reading. Though, due to the smoke's concealment in the room, he struggled to land any blows on the man. Dane then issued him a magical command to drop the scroll, which he failed to resist and he dropped the scroll.   Finally, the man gave up on reading the scroll and stashed it away, instead pulling out his sword and engaging Dane and Vallis in combat. Ralphie, Omar and Nahar continued to deal with the scamps. After a back and forth, which involved many missed attacks due to the smoke, Nahar shapeshifted into the form of a canine, and they eventually slayed two of the scamps.   When the tide of the battle began to clearly shift, the man shouting an instruction to the last Fire Scamp in a language unknown to the heroes. It immediately turned and ran up the stairs past Marnie, rushing towards the warehouse. As Dane dealt the killing blow to the man, he erupted in flames, burning his corpse along with the scroll he had been trying to read.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The heroes defeated all of the Children of Cinder in the cellar of the warehouse. Only one Fire Scamp remains left.
  • The heroes learned a little more about the structure of the Children of Cinder.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Talthir Charwind, the Children of Cinder involved in the attack on Dane's companions.


  • The Fire Scamp is in the warehouse

The Sunken City

Marnie Rumblehill

Level 3 Summoner.
39 / 39

Vallis Silverhall

Level .

Dane Tormail

Level .

Nahar Galle

Level .

Omár Chikōndi

Level .
Report Date
20 Apr 2023
Primary Location

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