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Session 12: Ash on the Docks Report

General Summary

Marnie sifted through the Chronicle of the Flame as quickly as she, finding all of the temporary magical notations left behind for her by Provendinaurox. As she read, Dane spoke with the scribe in the archives, unknowingly distracting him from Marnie's actions while they discussed the events that occurred in the Temple of the Departed.   She returned to the book to its resting place and ushered for the group to join her back at the entrance. The party met back up and left the Archives of the Ardent order, returning back to the common section of the Aerdaren Archives. When they arrived, Qrianthi Highfeather swooped down from the upper level with a crate of books curated for Vallis. He became excited at the prospect of such knowledge, and sat down with Kemzuld, eager to get to researching. As they spoke though, he became distracted as he began to notice a book in Kemzuld's possesion: Abandoned Arcanium, a book written by his old teacher Feavor Gust. Kemzuld agreed to let him read it, so Vallis got started and told the group he would catch up.   While the heroes waited for night to fall, Dane headed back to the Temple District to return the holy symbols which Omar had stolen back to the order of priests. Marnie left for the Market District to retrieve her ordered bag and to do some shopping. Meanwhile, Nahar took Omar to go meet Jo'barjo Mahoor at the docks.   Upon arriving, they saw that Jo'barjo had named his ship the "Seven Lives", and they boarded to speak with him. They had a nice conversation, and bartered for some time. Omar purchased a Rhythm Bone from Jo'barjo before they finally parted ways.   The party regrouped at Miirthal Stormthar's residence to discuss plans for the evening. They spent a great deal of time debating how they engage the member of the Children of Cinder they knew would be in the Sharktooth Inn that evening. After some time, they agreed to lie in wait and follow him back to wherever he was going.   At about 10pm, they made their way down to the Seaport District and set up in position to watch the seedy tavern. They remained this way for a couple hours, casing the building and keeping an eye out for the man leaving the tavern. At about midnight, he drunkenly exited the tavern and began making his way down the street.   Thanks to her small stature, Marnie was about follow closely behind him, while the remainder of the group followed at a farther distance. Due to her magical ability to send messages, she was able to relay instructions to them without having to lose sight of the man. She followed him down twisting alleys, past barking dogs, and through a side road full of drunks. Eventually, she reached a corner alley where he seemingly disappeared.   When they all arrived they spent a few minutes searching until Marnie noticed ashen tracks leading into the sheer brick wall of a fishing warehouse with no obvious entrances. After some time of trying to find an entrance, Vallis created a small flame in his hand and pressed it to the wall, breaking an illusion that prevented them from finding the entrance.   With the entrance found, Marnie got to work picking the lock. It only took her moment to skillfully pick the lock without any issues. Nahar then used his wild shaping ability to assume the innocuous form of a rodent to scout ahead and get an idea of the building. He explored the facility just enough to get an idea of the floorplan and the relative threat awaiting the group inside. He returned to his companions and relayed the information, and they now sit outside the warehouse planning their next moves.

Rewards Granted

  • Vallis was allowed to borrow Kemzuld's () copy of "Abandoned Arcanium", a book written by his old teacher Feavor Gust.
  • Omar purchased a Rhythm Bone from Jo'barjo Mahoor.
  • Marnie received her customized dragon pouch for Ralphie.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Marnie got all of the information left for her in the Archives of the Ardent Order by Provendinaurox .
  • Vallis got more information about what his old teacher was searching for, and why he might have been sent to Aerdaris to find Miirthal Stormthar.

Character(s) interacted with

The Sunken City
Report Date
30 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Sharktooth Inn

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