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Session 10: Back on the Streets Report

General Summary

Back at the residence of Miirthal Stormthar, the group of three were able to get some much needed rest. Vallis took time to identify the magic properties of the sword he had acquired in the crypts, and learned it was a "Smoking Sword" which had the capacity to ignite with flame periodically. Meanwhile, Nahar continued to train his now fully-grown dromaeosaur that had hatched early that morning and was swiftly developing due to their magical bond. Dane met with Cormyr Stormthar and Miirthal Stormthar. They welcomed him onto the crew and they shared information about what they knew and what Dane was searching for. After some time, they all took a much needed rest until Marnie and Omar returned.   At the same time, Marnie and Omar waited in the halls of Aerdaris' central keep, eagerly anticipating their audience with the Ardent Lord. After some time, they were let in to see him. They shared all of what they had found within the crypts and also gave him a warning about the going-ons of the Children of Cinder  in the city. He looked to them and without directly asking it, demanded they swear to secrecy about the faction, and act as though the city has things under control. For some reason, this made Omar suspicious of the Ardent Lord, and he now suspects there is some sort of relationship there. The Ardent Lord offered them a reward of 30gp to each member of their group as a thank you for their work, and declared the end of their working relationship. Finally, on the way out of the throne room, Marnie let slip a reference to the Tear of Selindria, which he took note of.   On the way out of the castle, Omar tried to swipe some coin from the top of one of the bags, stealing from his comrades. However, Marnie caught him in the act and admonished him for his behavior. He then made his way back to the music store he had cased a few days prior and purchased himself a didgeridoo that was said to be magical. They returned back to Miirthal Stormthar's residence as well and took their own much needed rest. During this time Omar identified the magical properties of his instrument, learning that is was a "Maestro's Instrument" and could be used to magically charm someone with its dulcet tones.   When everyone awoke they sat down with Cormyr Stormthar and Miirthal Stormthar to inform them in detail about what happened in the crypts. Marnie produced the bag they recovered from Johar Zander's tomb, pulling out the journal, the compass, the spyglass, and the flintlock. As they opened the compass, they found that its sapphire needle spun endlessly, unable to point in any given direction. Additionally, as the peered through the spyglass their vision became hazy and they were unable to make out any details.   They spent the next hour or so sifting through the contents of the journal, learning that this was the journal he maintained the same year he entered the Shrouded Sea, back in 1278. They learned general details of his ship and crew, the maneuvers they undertook to fool larger ships into following them into storms, and finally they learned of what happened when they entered the Veil. He spoke of a massive storm and strange phenomena inside, like magical lightning coursing through the air, whispers in their ears, and shadows moving in the waters. He also explained how all their navigational equipment stopped working. Finally, he documented how they found peaceful waters on the other side just a few days later.   Strangely, they also found how he left a couple notes in the journal dated nineteen years later where he spoke of a giant sea beast scuttling his ship, and a period of time where he was marooned. He also spoke of how he retrieved the "tear", and the "key to the quarters, the path to the well, and the eyes to find it again". Finally he spoke of a "map fragment" and the hope that it still resides where he left it.   After analyzing the journal the group discussed what it might mean. They were left with more questions than answers, but they suspect the tools in Johar Zander's bag are the items mentioned in the journal.   With spirits high, the group took Cormyr and went to spend the night out at the pub. Marnie led them to the Halfsized Hovel, a tavern for halflings, one of many such establishments across the realm. They let loose and had a fun time laughing and drinking. Omar started joining in with the musicians, while the remainder of the group interacted with others, having conversations and gathering information. They met Iylda Timberfoot the cooper who was hired to join the crew, and they met Horace Highkettle the owner and barkeep of the establishment. Horace shared a good bit of information with them. He informed Marnie that a few months back, a "tall fellow" came in with a message to leave for her, that she should go to the city archives and brush up on her knowledge of the "arnradish" so that she can improve her gardening skills. He also shared a rumor about a strange cloaking man in the Seaport District drunkenly bragging about murdering priests and stealing a relic from them up north. Omar also tried to get Marnie to develop a kinder relationship with a man from the Bottomhill family, but she was not interested in interacting with him.   They headed home, but Omar decided to stay and ultimately slept on the floor of the pub. The next day, they set out for the Sharktooth Inn in the Seaport District to ask about the cloaked figure. When they arrived it was mostly empty, and they spoke with the barkeep about the man. He was not forthcoming with information at first, but after Dane bribed him with a gold piece he opened up. He informed them that a number of similar men come in every night in the wee hours of the evening, but that they always seem to disappear shortly after they leave.   With that information, the group left the tavern and began making plans about how to spend the day, and how they wanted to find the man that coming evening.

Rewards Granted

  • 30gp to each member of the party
  • Omar purchased a Maestro's Instrument (Didgeridoo)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • They discovered all the recorded information Johar Zander had in his journal
  • Marnie discovered a lead for her personal quest, leading her to the archives in Aerdaris 
  • Dane discovered a lead for his personal quest, leading him to a tavern in the Seaport District of Aerdaris 

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

  • The Sharktooth Inn, a seedy tavern in the Seaport District
  • The Bottomhills, a halfling family frequently detested by other halfling families for seemingly petty reasons


  • Cormyr Stormthar expressed hesitation at the idea of a dinosaur coming onto the ship. In his inebriated state, he did not deny Nahar the allowance to do it, but did instruct him that Nahar would have to tell Puk Bonechopper himself, because knowing Puk, he didn't want to be involved in that conversation. Nahar has not met yet Puk, so he is unaware of what that conversation will entail.

The Sunken City
Report Date
09 Mar 2023
Primary Location

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