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Session 2: Arrival in Aerdaris Report

General Summary

After arriving in the Outer District of Aerdaris, the newly formed party parted ways with Chi-Chi  and decided to split up and pursue their own interests, agreeing to meet at sunset at the Ardent Flame.     Nahar and Vallis traveled deeper into the Outer District, to a small bazaar of tent shops where shadier figures sold their wares. Here, they met Jo'barjo Mahoor, a tabaxi traveling merchant with an ear for rumors and a store of various trinkets. The two bartered with him and traded their wolf pelts and goblin loot for a discounted new sling and dagger. They also got information from him regarding the whereabouts of Miirthal Stormthar, and learned of a man in the city named Albath Grandkeep who has a wealth of knowledge regarding dinosaurs. He also told them of his travels, and that he planned to soon do the daring feat of crossing "The Veil" in hopes of documenting what is within and finding more wealth. Nahar in particular formed a good first impression with Jo'barjo Mahoor. After this, they made their way through the city gates into Aerdaris proper, and made their way to the Ardent Flame.   Meanwhile, Omar and Marnie went straight into the city. Omar used his noble heritage to quickly pass through the gates without much question, and Marnie parted ways with him shortly after in pursuit of her own goals. Omar made his way to the Market District and found a high-class musical instrument shop on the edge of the Lord's district called the Gilded Guitarist. Inside, he spent a chunk of time bartering with the shopkeeper over a pair of magical pipes which he referred to as "Pipes of Haunting". Omar could not afford the pipes, but was reluctant to walk out without them, contemplating theft in order to acquire them. Ultimately he chose to walk away after two trips to the store to barter. He then made his way to the entrance of the Castle District, seeking an immediate audience with the Ardent Lord. He was surprised to find that he would not be allowed to simply enter the Castle District, despite his noble status. He was told by Farand Rahnah, the attendant at the gate, that he would have to wait two weeks in order have an audience with the king. But, with Omar's silver tongue, he deceived Farand into believing he was here on urgent matters. Farand offered him a 30 minute appointment with the Ardent Lord at 2:00pm the following day, which Omar accepted. He then retired for the night to a posh tavern in the Lord's District, where he played music in exchange for food. While there, he became intoxicated, missing his arrangement with the party and not returning the Ardent Flame.   The rest of the group met up at the Ardent Flame as agreed upon. Large crowds began to arrive at the square, and they listened as the Ardent Seers peered into the Ardent Flame and gave an ominous prophecy relating to the "Embers of Creation" and the "return of the Queen". The meaning of this prophecy appears cryptic and unclear. It sent waves of unease across the city, and was spoken of throughout the streets for the remainder of the evening.   When this was over, the party left in search of Omar. After some time, they found him drunk within the tavern he was at, and he revealed to them he would be staying the evening at the home of one of the local noble families. So, the group left him there and followed Nahar to the Shark's Shanty Inn, where they procured food and lodging for the evening.   The next morning, Marnie departed the group again for some time, agreeing to meet with them at the Smiling Kraken Tavern. Nahar and Vallis set out for the Hall of Behemoths in the Market District, meeting Albath Grandkeep and learning more about dinosaurs in the process. Afterwards, they went back to the Lord's District to find Omar.   Finally, the three made their way back to the Smiling Kraken tavern in the Seaport District to meet Miirthal Stormthar. They found a long line of patrons waiting to enter, all appearing to be here in response to Miirthal's fliers strewn about the various cities across Selindae Shore. They learned of the massive reward that Miirthal was offering, and Omar attempted to cut the line only to find that his noble background was of no aid to him around these sorts of people. Suddenly, an explosion burst forth from within the tavern, shattering the windows and setting the whole building ablaze. Four hooded men ran out of the tavern and towards the docks. They party pursued and fought them as they tried to escape. In the distance, a galleon covered in smoke and flame began approaching the dock. In quick succession, the party was able to dispatch the four men, but not without suffering serious wounds in the process. As each cloaked man was slain, they erupted into flame that scorched their bodies leaving behind nothing by disfigured, unrecognizable, charred remains. When the final man was dispatched, the mysterious galleon changed course and departed the bay.

Rewards Granted

Nahar and Vallis traded with Jo'barjo Mahoor, the travelling merchant. Nahar made a deal to trade his wolf pelts and beat up goblin gear for a sling and a dagger. They also paid Jo'barjo for information regarding the whereabouts of Miirthal Stormthar, and learned of Albath Grandkeep's museum.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party made it through the gates of Aerdaris and explored the city, furthering their own personal interests. Omar sought out counsel with the Ardent Lord and made contact with some of the nobles in the city. Vallis and Nahar pursued information pertaining to the dinosaur egg that Nahar has in his possession, while Marnie split off on her own to peruse her own interests within the city.   Vallis, Nahar, and Marnie were present at the prophetic reading of the Ardent Flame by the Ardent Seers, and were able to hear the chilling prophecy regarding the "Embers of Creation" and the "Queen's return".   Finally, the party arrived atthe Smiling Kraken tavern in the Seaport District to meet with Miirthal Stormthar, and were present in an attack, subsequently defeating the mysterious men that perpetrated the crime.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

  • The Shark's Shanty, an inn in the Seaport District of Aerdaris. They have poor and modest rooms for a reasonable rate.
  • The Gilded Guitarist, a high-class music store located on the border of the Market District and Lord's District of Aerdaris.
  • The Hall of Behemoths, a paleontology museum located in the Market District of Aerdaris. It is run by Albath Grandkeep and contains various skeletons of dinosaurs.


Omar is meant to meet with the Ardent Lord at 2pm of the current day.

The Sunken City
Report Date
03 Jan 2023
Primary Location

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