Stupid King's Thunder

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
10/25/2019 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Andilyn Nazdald
    Andilyn (or Andi) is a rogue who once worked with the party and is now traveling with her girlfriend, Kella.
  • Duskcaller Thunukalathi
    A beautiful and buff goliath woman who works as a mercenary. She thinks Ciradyl is cute, somehow.
  • Lady Elincia Yllafina
    A lich that manipulated the party into freeing her and is now set loose on the world somewhere. Also, she probably fucked Ace's terrible mentor.
  • Imogen Topas
    Euodia's slightly-less-terrible sister.
  • Kella Darrenhope
    An ex-Zhent who betrayed the party and then un-betrayed the party. She's currently traveling the world with her girlfriend, Andi.
  • Lena Tunnellytook
    Lena is a traveling bard who works as a jester. She has fought with the party and is fond of Boog, having since become her penpal.
  • Miranda Topas
    Euodia's terrible sister.
  • Xolkin Alassandar
    The leader of the Seven Snakes and a member of the Zhentarim who escaped the party in Nightstone.

The Neverending Session

I'm just gonna keep this open so everyone can use the stuff

Sessions Archive

18th Jun 2020

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Lyonya Falar

Ciradyl Elayra

Ascendancy Sarachade

Euodia Topas

Level 6 Aasimar Chaotic Good Monk
(Failing Student)
/ 46 HP