The Fate of Nym

General Summary

After dispelling the ability for magic to be cast by anyone within 60 yds. with an attempt to use the chaos runestones power, the party finished off Eregor's remaining minions and the gnome attempted to flee using his dragoon forms wings. The party watched as he got away only for their attention to be diverted when the storm that had been surrounding them for days reached it's apex, striking down with vicious lightning at the four obelisks at the cardinal positions on the island. A beam pierced through the pathways and trees from each of the obelisks, except for the western one, pierced into the cracked gem at the top of the obelisk and cast a green glow on everything in sight. Luckily, the stone seemed to hold as the cracks continued to grow and more of the poisonous mist seeped out. Taking a moment to gather themselves and the realization that they had no magic, Marduk explained to them how it was only temporary, lasting for the next fourty-eight hours.
  While it seemed to have been enough at first, unfortunately due to the foul manipulations of Eregors prior scheming, the gem at the top continued to crack, and though delayed, the three beams that struck it seemed to be enough afterall as the gem exploded, releasing the foul mist into the environment, where it spread in a thick and noxiouis cloud of haze. They gathered themselves together after feeling sickened to their stomachs, only for the mist to coalesce into the shape of a massive mantis-like dragon. Suddenly a moment of brilliance struck, as a voice roared inside of their heads to trust in the power of the runestones. Attaining magical armor and weapons, they braced themselves after being racked with pain by the strain of the transformation.
As if things weren't bad enough, a familiar voice taunted them from above, appearing on top of the dragon's head was Eregor. Wielding some kind of magic, he commanded the dragon to ignore the party, instead directing it's mighty force against the gates of Nym themselves and attempting to crash them down. Strengthened by the voice commanding them to attack once again, to "protect the gates of Nym, lest the beast roam free once more", the party found themselves restored and able to fight on.
  Only managing to damage the gates before being knocked free from his roost atop of the dragon's head, Eregor was quickly struck down when exposed without his magic to aid him, but the party still had to deal with the rampaging dragon, who had now taken notice of their efforts to stop it. With two of it's mighty claws already stuck in the gate, it wrenched them free and sending waves of cracks throughout the entirety of the gate. Cocking it's head back as it turned, the dragon released it's mighty breath attack, damaging most of the party severely, but with their new found powers, they finally managed to slay the beast with a visceral display from Marduk.
Trouble didn't seem to be over though, with the now cracked gate standing before them. They watched as the creature they fought so hard to bring down returned to the heavy and noxious green mist that it once was, exposing Marduk to it's toxins. Falling into some kind of hypnosis, he began to brutally attack the gate, sending a large chunk of it inward before being restrained and coming to his senses. Now the gate had a large hole in it, through which crawled a much smaller version of the same beast they had just fought. With quick reflexes, the parties ranger, Wysp brought the tiny beast low, and they decided to briefly investigate the now broken gates.
  Opening the less damaged gate carefully, they were treated by the smell of rot and must. The decay of old leathers and papers. Braving the entrance to get the missing piece of the door back, Marduk entered inside, where he saw the sheer scale of the interior of this building. Headiing high into the sky, it seemed higher than the mountain it was hidden inside of could ever be, and was lit with a heavenly glow. The large cavernous interior descended deep as well, so deep that nothing was visible except an inky black void. Several floors and rooms seemed to branch off at various points, but there was no way to discern what was down there. Retrieving the heavy missing piece, Marduk returned to the party where they put it in place, mending the door as best they could without the aid of magic and deciding to set up camp nearby for the night.
  Things seemed smooth at first, well into the night as the first watch came and went without issue after setting up in one of the nearby ruins. The second watch wasn't as fortunate though, hearing one of the heavy stone gates creek open above them and casting a dazzling light into the night sky. Olis quickly woke Marduk for backup, heading up the stairs of the ruins to see what could be causing such a disturbance, where they were greeted with several individuals armed with spears pointed at them. Their leader approached, demanding to know who they were in some strange dialect of Sylvan that the group had trouble identifying or communicating with. After tense negotiations they were allowed to assemble their group, introducing themselves as they were known locally, "The Heroes of Honlett" and demanded answers about who was questioning them.   They were greeted by a single short phrase. "We are Nym."

Rewards Granted

Eregor's Journal

2000 pp, the Shadow Dragoon Runestone, small green orb with a light green mist swirling inside of it

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeat the Gnome

Legends of the Runestones

Olis Aenonvus

8-Level Magus


8-Level Unchained Barbarian
Report Date
29 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Shaded Woods
Secondary Location
Gates of Nym

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