Session 4: Krod's Diary - Shallow Waters

General Summary

....moving forward. The next area appears to be a natural spring that connected to the village well. On the walls surrounding the cavern there appears to be some form of Arcane Runes/Symbols....Ah ! It appears that my new Companions have a weakness for shiny objects..... The Elf found an interesting object at the bottom of the well, a silver bell with what can only be described as some form magical spark. I don't think I've ever seen a Knight and a Hunter almost killed by school of Fish before. If that fools are what they say they are ? -Note-Further study is required on the Arcane markings, I've found similarities between the Vampire Skull, the cavern wall and the silver bell. My theory is that is I can understand the markings I might be able to replicate the process of these enchantments. However a lot more study is required.   .....I'm not even going to go into the sense of direction of these so called skilled warriors. Its quite amusing....   Snakes !!! Giant Snakes ! What in the word is this place.... I'm starting to think we'll never find Jess especially how drained and beaten we are..... Oh and just add insult to injury more Fish ! -Note-An Obelisk in the center of the room, in the body of water appears to have more of these strange Arcane Markings. Upon investigation I picked up a Bane, curious as upon further investigation after dispatching the snakes my companions were Blessed. Further study and possible experimentation required.   I don't know whether to be relieved or distraught at what we've discovered. The good news is that we've found Jess but the bad news is the state hes in. A Giant Rat to be exact, possibly some form of Lycanthropy. He is aware of what he is and what hes become which is hopeful considering the common side effects of this particular affliction. The Question is how !?..... I found a curious Artifact among the remains Jess had been hiding. A Ring-Further identification is required, there is no time at the moment. -Note-I'm not familiar with this form of Lycanthropy. My knowledge of the world is inclined towards the Material, that being said i cant help but being curious and possibly studying this further. After all if there is a cure that can be discovered it would be invaluable. I'll star with a blood sample.   As a group we've decided to get Jess back to Theli and alert the town Guard to keep a watch on the Cellar and now the Well. Despite being a complete Narcissist that fool Killian actually managed to convince the town guard to help without question. I suppose having a head full of sawdust but the looks of a well bread noble has its perks. We'll clear the place out once we've rested.... Theli did not believe his eyes of course and majorly Concerning that there isn't a town healer. My concern is Jess's new affliction taking hold. -Note-Theli has refused to let me take a sample of blood. I understand his reservations but its purely academic of course. I must speak with this so called healer when they arrive. I've also discovered the magical qualities of the ring I found. It appears to be a Ring of Protection.   Finally rested and Morning at the Windy Goat turned out to be a lot more interesting than first thought. A drunken oaf of my own Kin letting us all down, so I gave him a taste of the good Stout. Turns out the ring of protection has a echo of is creators conscience. Killian has spoke a bit about himself, turns out his adopted father was a famous knight and adventurer, something tells me he's trying to prove himself ? The Elf Dolen is as forthcoming as any elf, I don't doubt the skill of his craft but I'm going to be keeping a close eye on this secretive hunter. -Note-An unique method of Psyonics that Boris tried to teach me has finally come to fruition. Of course being a Duregar its easy for him and his innate abilities A form of Mage Hand that can't be seen or heard. Invaluable the knowledge of brothers from below. The Rings creator had a workshop in the Infernal Forest, I will have to investigate this wizards workshop to uncover any mysteries that he may have Discovered I can use to advance my own work.

Rewards Granted

  • Ring of Protection

Ashein Campaign
Report Date
25 Oct 2023
Primary Location
The Windy Goat Tavern
Secondary Location

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