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Dolen Feredir

Drow bounty / monster hunter for hire. Will take other jobs if necessary.

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Sat 9th Dec 2023 12:44

The Journal Entry’s title

by Dolen Feredir

We pressed onwards to the windmill after the battle with the goblins to find a cart with three bodies around it. We can only assume the cart was ambushed by the goblins just as we were and although we killed most of them I am still be cautious for you never know if they will return with reinforcements, so I stood guard while the others checked the cart and bodies. Evidence such as a merchant's weight made out of pewter marked in units of slaves and iron shackles would suggest that there is, or was, a slave trading route in the area.
It would also appear that there was a heavy chest or trunk on the cart which has been dragged into the windmill. I took ownership of a spy glass from one of the bodies while the holy human man took an interest in a small figurine cloaked in bat wings that bared remarkable resemblance to himself. Starting to get the feeling he is quite vain what with this small statue and the sketch of himself from the boy. Anyway, we circled the windmill but before we went inside I could hear whispering coming from inside so we withdrew to be more prepared.
The dwarf opened the door from a distance and the whispering was everywhere but source less. Maybe this place really is cursed. The whispers disappeared as quickly as they materialized.
The inside of the windmill did indeed look like a refuge for a band of goblins with most of the place in a wreck. However there was a small statue of what looked like the demon Baphomet and as the human inspected it demonic chanting erupted from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously and the statue flew at him and started attacking us. During the conflict Killian fell but I managed to heal some of his wounds. Although this possessed statue seemed tenacious we did eventually stop it and it became inanimate again. My thinking is we should probably find a way to destroy it.
We were all pretty beaten at this point and needed to rest but before that the windmill needed securing, don't want anymore nasty surprises lurking around while we patch up our wounds, also want to make sure we see anything that approaches the windmill.
Krod was the first to go up to the next floor and I followed. The missing chest from the wagon was there. Krod, while holding the cursed statue that attacked us asked my advice. He was saying that he wanted to unlock any secrets this idol had but I suggest maybe destroying might be a better option as some secrets might be better left buried. Who knows what consequences that might have. He then used the mechanics of the windmill to crush the idol into dust, I think that was probably the wiser thing to do.
Krod looked through and emptied the chest and we proceeded to head up further.

Dolen's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Coins and Cultists
    23 Sep 2023 12:43:11
  2. Guides and Goblins
    14 Nov 2023 07:36:12
  3. The Journal Entry’s title
    09 Dec 2023 12:44:10

The major events and journals in Dolen's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3: There can't be more rats, surely?

05:40 pm - 25.10.2023

Session 3: There can't be more rats, surely?

05:30 pm - 11.10.2023

Session 1: Arrival in Blasingdell, Rats

02:21 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 1: Arrival in Blasingdell, Rats

02:21 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 2: More Rats in the Cellar

02:17 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 2: More Rats in the Cellar

02:17 pm - 01.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dolen.

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