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Paladin of Dol Dorn Killian Hawkins

A tall, muscular, human with long brown/blonde hair.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Jon Henderson
Thu 4th Apr 2024 10:49

The Adventure Continues

by Paladin of Dol Dorn Killian Hawkins

Dear Father,
Apologies for not writing for a while, my quest for the truth has taken many unexpected turns. The tribulations of delivering the justice of Dol Dorn have been unrelenting, but I have sent many souls to the Lord and will continue to seek the righteous path. I am learning my way within our group and will try to never take a step backwards. I must protect the group and encourage the way of the Lord.
My companions are strange folk but are strong in heart and knowledge. I will learn many things from them and hopefully they will learn from me...... evil must not prevail.
I have not encountered any Orcs as yet, but when I do, swift retribution will be delivered.......
This boy is turning into a man
Your son

Killian's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Adventure Continues - You dirty rat
    30 Sep 2023 11:04:55
  2. A Hero’s return - Ratface
    13 Oct 2023 01:05:30
  3. The Journal Entry’s title
    27 Oct 2023 02:31:08
  4. The adventure continues - Making Friends. It would be Wude not to!!
    27 Oct 2023 02:31:09
  5. For whom the bell tolls....
    13 Nov 2023 02:22:11
  6. I saw the light
    19 Dec 2023 10:24:34
  7. Things I have learnt
    27 Dec 2023 02:35:27
  8. Group bonding.... God is great
    29 Dec 2023 01:33:18
  9. The Adventure Continues
    04 Apr 2024 10:49:00

The major events and journals in Killian's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3: There can't be more rats, surely?

05:40 pm - 25.10.2023

Session 3: There can't be more rats, surely?

05:30 pm - 11.10.2023

Session 1: Arrival in Blasingdell, Rats

02:21 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 1: Arrival in Blasingdell, Rats

02:21 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 2: More Rats in the Cellar

02:17 pm - 01.10.2023

Session 2: More Rats in the Cellar

02:17 pm - 01.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Killian.

Played by
Jon Henderson