Session 4 : let's get some goblin snot Report

General Summary


July 19th, 1804

All of the supplies for the Chimera's Bane at Scribbles and Nibs were purchased and the party set out to collect the rest with Halodreth Emberwhite 's directions. While attempting to procure these supplies a run in with the goblins created some conflict and while the party was trying to work it out peacefully Cyndil Trueshot snuck up behind them and shot two gobilns trying to sneak up on them. This caused the next 3 to attack, but Nyx Skouros used shatter to kill them! After looting the bodies the players find 4 Chimera eggs and return to theBuzzing Bee with Cyndil Trueshot where they meet the rest of the Low Elves and play a few bar games. They then return home and give the kids a pack of cards that Ben Dabbler gave them. Addie andCish help Nyx Skouros to brew the Chimera's Bane and everyone takes a long rest.

July 20th, 1804

  In the morning the party gets up bright and early and, along withAddie heads to town. As they enter town Ben Dabbler approaches them, screaming that the Hero's Wort is on fire and Cyndil Trueshot must be dead and it all must be the Chimera s fault. When they go to check out the field they find that it's not on fire, but rather those are torches in the field and it appears a group of people have been harvesting the plant and placing it on a wagon. upon closer inspection, they see the unmistakeable hat of Cyndil Trueshot and have to assume that the Low Elves are stealing all of Ben Dabbler 's Hero's Wort. They send Addie back to find Ben Dabbler and tell him what's going on, and bring him back here. While she's gone the party decides to just watch, but realizes they have to intervene when the Low Elves begin to pack it up and pull away, done harvesting the crop. at this point the party wonders if there ever even was a Chimera or if it was all a convoluted scheme.
  Nyx Skouros approaches and confronts Cyndil Trueshot who then tries to explain that the Chimera had been by and they were trying to save as much of Ben Dabbler 's crop as they could. Nyx Skouros is suspicious and begins arguing with the group, insisting that she come with while Cyndil Trueshot tries to convince him to go back to Haggensblad and let Ben Dabbler know what's going on. While they're arguing, Ottie casts pass without a trace and sneaks up and breaks a wheel on the cart, effectively slamming it to the ground, at which point all hell breaks loose.
Startled, the Low Elves all jump off the cart and immediately begin attacking the party. Nyx Skouros uses Misty step to get away. Ottie then casts Erupting earth and knocks out Preet Slyfoot and Harvana Crawley, although Grak of the Grick manages to jump at exactly the right time to take minimal damage. Simultaneously Cyndil Trueshot face plants, but doesn't take too much damage, Dr. Fellman Grayn falls over, but just gets back up, and Harvash Taanwall get picked up by a massive wolf and runs off into the forest.
At this point Cyndil Trueshot calls for a cease fire. Right in the middle of her dramatic speech the Chimera swoops down, breathing fire over half the field before landing right on top of the wagon holding all of the harvest. As the fumes fill the air the. adventurers all get a wiff of a sweet pine-like smell and suddenly they feel like they've been adventurers for decaudes, and a large rush of adrenaline clears their head. The instantly recognize this smell as the same as the cigarettes Cyndil Trueshot is always smoking. The lion head leans down and starts sniffing at the ground. Nyx Skouros, with a suspicion that he knows what the Chimera is looking for, reaches into his bag and pulls the egg out, rolling it to the creature. The @chimera grabs it with it's teeth and tosses it up in the air, the goat head catching and holding it in his mouth. Nyx Skouros throws the other one out of his bag, and then ottie throws the Chimera one out of it's bag and the @chimera flies off.
Addie comes back just in time to see the Chimera fly away, with Ben Dabbler and Halodreth Emberwhite in tow. The feild is stil lon fire, but after a little bit of panic Halodreth Emberwhite puts it out. Then the whole story comes out. Cyndil Trueshot truly just wants to make a good name for herself, but admits to being selfish, sloppy, careless and unelf-like. She expresses how truly sorry she is with a sad "huzzah." At this point Ben Dabbler realizes that with his crop gone he'll never be able to pay the party the promised 400 GP for fighting the Chimera, but they strike up a deal, if he'll help take care of the kids when they're gone they can call it even. He wholeheartedly agrees, and even seems happy for his little girl Ella Dabbler to have some new people to play with.

Rewards Granted

Cyndil Trueshot 's belongings  50 GP for 1 chimera egg from Halodreth Emberwhite

Missions/Quests Completed

Chimera's eggs returned and problem solved.  Cyndil Trueshot in Jail for attempted theft - awaiting trial

The Followers of the Seed


Neutral Good Dryad (Guardian)
Druid 5
43 / 43 HP
Report Date
02 Feb 2023
Primary Location

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