Session 70: Tentacle Trouble Report

General Summary

In an effort to get to the "lost" Level 6 of Undermountain the party continues to explore Level 4. The drow Melith Auvryndar told them if they can resolve the conflict between the kuo-toa and the "water dragon" she'll give them a raft to get down to Level 5. As they explore the caves, Cameron Overholt is attacked by a dark mantle, engulfing the upper half of his body. Cameron takes some damage as Andryn Stormpeak and Thredd Dorselar "save" him but he makes it out alive. After defeating the dark mantles, the party discovers the hiding place for the drows' raft, but the drow cut them off from stealing it. They assign a drow to lead them toward where the kuo-toa reside. He takes them to a certain point, gives them directions and warns them of "tentacles", which intrigues Cameron.   They follow the drow's directions and are quickly attacked by a hidden roper who grabs Cameron by one of it's tentacles. The party manages to take the roper down but are badly hurt.   The party takes a long rest in a somewhat secure corner of the level. During the night they hear a woman trying to drag the remains of the roper to her campsite. She introduces herself as Derrabeth. She is acting strangely and talking to a large frog with her. She tells them she is trying to get back to her wife on the surface but there are demons all over this level so she needs to stay safe. The party gets a weird vibe from her frog.   They shrug and decide a long rest is most important at the moment.

Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Report Date
16 Oct 2022
Primary Location

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