Waterdeep - Dragon Heist

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Waterdeep - Clanless
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Scheduled Sessions

Wed 24th April 2024 1:00

Session 84

Sessions Archive

31st Mar 2024

Session 83

18th Feb 2024

Session 82

Read the Report
7th Jan 2024

Session 81

Read the Report
3rd Dec 2023

Session 80

Read the Report
29th Oct 2023

Session 79

Read the Report
27th Aug 2023

Session 78

Read the Report
23rd Jul 2023

Session 77

Read the Report
21st May 2023

Session 76

Read the Report
9th Apr 2023

Session 75

Read the Report
19th Feb 2023

Session 74

Read the Report
22nd Jan 2023

Session 73

Read the Report
4th Dec 2022

Session 72

Read the Report
6th Nov 2022

Session 71: Cavern Crawling

Read the Report
16th Oct 2022

Session 70: Tentacle Trouble

Read the Report
18th Sep 2022

Session 69: Tree Punching

Read the Report
31st Jul 2022

Session 68: Uncut Gems

Read the Report
3rd Jul 2022

Session 67: Franchising

Read the Report
23rd May 2022

Session 66: The Kids are Alright

Read the Report
10th Apr 2022

Session 65: The Vault of Dragons

Read the Report
14th Mar 2022

Session 64: The Vault Opens

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2021

Session 63: The Stone of Golorr

The party meets the Blackstaff and temporarily join Force Grey. The Stone of Golorr is finally complete. Andryn attunes. The party finds the location of the vault.

Read the Report
7th Nov 2021

Session 62: The Great Escape

Andryn and Cameron find the stone. The Cassalanters join the fray. The Golorr Eye is found. Runt is a cloud.

Read the Report
24th Oct 2021

Session 61:

The party are deep in the Cassalanter's Asmodeus temple. They make a ghost friend.

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2021

Session 60:

The party find help from the Emerald Enclave. They infiltrate Cassalanter Villa but are quickly found out.

Read the Report
6th Sep 2021

Session 59: We Need to Talk About Cameron

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 58: Poison Problems

Read the Report
8th Aug 2021

Session 57: The Devil You Know

Read the Report
12th Jul 2021

Session 56: Carnival Clash

Read the Report
28th Jun 2021

Session 55: Plots Within Plots

Read the Report
30th May 2021

Session 54: Let's Make a Deal

Read the Report
21st Feb 2021

Session 53: When You're Here, You're Family

Read the Report
7th Feb 2021

Session 52: At Dawn, We Plan

17th Jan 2021

Session 51: Would You Like to Take a Survey?

The party follows a lead and realizes a Stone of Golorr eye is closer than they think...

Read the Report
20th Dec 2020

Session 50: Manshoonian Candidate

Read the Report
6th Dec 2020

Session 49: Out of the Frying Pan...

The party finds themselves in Skullport‌, the seedy underbelly of Waterdeep‌ located deep underground. They are aided by an awakened rat named Gary who leads them to a local pet shop. The owner is able to find a woman named Irusyl Eraneth who leads the party to a hidden exit out of Skullport. The party climbs for many hours eventually finding themselves in a cell within Castle Waterdeep.

Read the Report
15th Nov 2020

Session 48: Escape from the Xanathar's Lair

Read the Report
26th Oct 2020

Session 47: First Rule of Fight Club...

Read the Report
11th Oct 2020

Session 46: Paying Visits

Read the Report
27th Sep 2020

Session 45: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Read the Report
13th Sep 2020

Session 44: A Study in Bloooood

Read the Report
9th Aug 2020

Session 43: Violence in the Villa

The party has received word that one for their neighbors, the Gralhunds, may own a nimblewright. As they went to investigate, they discovered they were not the only ones with an interest in the Gralhunds...

Read the Report
26th Jul 2020

Session 42: The Pieces are Falling Together?

After speaking with Dalakhar's dead body, the party returns to Trollskull Alley to go over the evidence.

Read the Report
12th Jul 2020

Session 41: Lost Bodies

Read the Report
28th Jun 2020

Session 40: Sea Maiden's Faire

A search for their missing kids takes the party to the Sea Maiden's Faire.

Read the Report
31st May 2020

Session 39: Blue Alley Part 5: Escape from Blue Alley

Now that they have both things they came into Blue Alley for, Clanless must find a way to escape the infamous Waterdeep dungeon.

Read the Report
17th May 2020

Session 38: Blue Alley: Part 4 - Locked in an Alley

Clanless has found both the unicorn statue for Mirt and Icantha, the Cassalanters' former servant who seems to have ties to the cult of Asmodeus. They plan to take Icantha and the bodies of her party back to their loved ones. The only catch? They can't seem to get out the same way they got in. The party delves deeper into the dungeon to find a way out Blue Alley.

Read the Report
3rd May 2020

Session 37: Blue Alley: Part 3 - The Hunt for Icantha

The party has found the unicorn statue they were searching for in Blue Alley for Mirt, whom they met in The Yawning Portal. Now they look for any sign of Icantha, the former servant of Lord and Lady Cassalanter, who may know more information about the curse on their children.

Read the Report
19th Apr 2020

Session 36: Blue Alley: Part 2 - Unicorn Hunting in Blue Alley

The party continued their exploration of Blue Alley. They found an old alchemical lab and fought an alchemy ooze, which Cameron took a portion and stored it in a vial. They found a room with golden tiles and managed to get to the door at the other end of the room without issue. Over the door was written "everything you see is mine." On the other side of the door there was a room made completely of mirrors. At the center was a unicorn statue on a dais. After a few tries to get the statue out of the room, they eventually attempted to put the statue in the bag of holding and exit with the bag of holding, which seemed successful. Still looking for Icantha, the former servant of Lord and Lady Cassalanter who may know more about the curse on their children, the party happened upon a room of hanging circular platforms. A glowing sword hung from the furthest platform. Casting Fly on himself, Cameron entered the room and was quickly attacked my many smoke mephits. Runt attempted to jump to a platform, but ended up falling to the ground. The party eventually managed to best the smoke mephits, but at great cost to Cameron.

Read the Report
5th Apr 2020

Session 35: Blue Alley Part 1 - Into the Alley

Read the Report
15th Mar 2020

Session 34: After the Explosion & Cassalanter's Plea

23rd Feb 2020

Session 33: Opening Night

27th Jan 2020

Session 32: Keg Attack

15th Dec 2019

Session 31: Hiring Staff

1st Dec 2019

Session 30: Liar's Night in Waterdeep

11th Nov 2019

Session 29: Anvil

20th Oct 2019

Session 28: Blasingdell Horses

6th Oct 2019

Session 27: Froghemouth

22nd Sep 2019

Session 26: Dragon Fight

15th Sep 2019

Session 25: Skrik

28th Jul 2019

Session 24: Dwarven Shrines

30th Jun 2019

Session 23: A Death Door, A Dragon

16th Jun 2019

Session 22

2nd Jun 2019

Session 21: Enter Cameron

19th May 2019

Session 20

21st Apr 2019

Session 19

7th Apr 2019

Session 18

31st Mar 2019

Session 17

24th Mar 2019

Session 16

24th Feb 2019

Session 15

10th Feb 2019

Session 14: We're Cart Racers Now

20th Jan 2019

Session 13

13th Jan 2019

Session 12: Yawning Portal and Jalester

6th Jan 2019

Session 11: New Real Estate

16th Dec 2018

Session 10: Xanathar and Zhentarims

2nd Dec 2018

Session 9: Floon and Scarecrows

23rd Nov 2018

Session 8: Gulthias Tree

18th Nov 2018

Session 7: Bugbear

10th Nov 2018

Session 6: Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Oh My!

4th Nov 2018

Session 5: Meepo is Melting

14th Oct 2018

Session 4: Carrying Dragons

10th Oct 2018

Session 3: Caltrops!

30th Sep 2018

Session 2: Meepo is Hurt on the Inside

23rd Sep 2018

Session 1: Welcome to Waterdeep

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Runt Thundermount

Thredd Dorselar

Doctor Cameron Overholt

Andryn Stormpeak

Caelynn Amastacia