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Session XII: The Drezen Plot Report

General Summary

Book 2 - The Sword of Valor

Chapter 1 - The Restoration of Kenebres

After the events that led to the destruction of the demons around the realms of the Worldwound and the destruction of the Wardstone, the residents of Kenabres return to their destroyed city to begin rebuilding. Massive amounts of aid come from all around Golarion arrive at the settlements rocked by the explosion. News of the Wardstones being drained reaches every corner of Golarion, and thousands flock to see what happened to the Worldwound. Worries about that the Wardstones can never be replaced also start bubbling up, and research begins on alternatives.  
Queen Galfrey makes her way to Kenebres to assess the damage and meet the party. The Queen brings with her thousands of soldiers and supplies to rebuild Kenabres and shore up the defenses. A messenger is dispatched to the Defender's Heart to ask the party to meet with Queen Galfrey. The messenger arrives at Reid's room and knocks on it. Hurriedly, he jumps out of bed and answers the messenger, Yaniel. Reid then asks what is expected, and he responds that he will wait in the tavern for an hour and a half. Reid gets ready and gets everyone out of bed. Everyone eventually gets ready and gets out of bed.   Everyone congregates in one of the rooms and discusses their powers and the improvement of them. They discuss their new powers, and they head down to the tavern where the messenger is waiting for their response. Reid reports they would happy to meet her, and would meet in the afternoon. He bolts out the door and heads back to the Queen. Irabeth Tirabade then comes down and notices the party and inquires why they are all congregated. The party notifies that Queen Galfrey has arrived in town, and she'll be coming to the tavern later. Irabeth looks really nervous when that is mentioned. Reid uses prestidigitation. Then, Anevia Tirabade comes down and after being told about the Queen's arrival also gets nervous, as well as Kimroth Otai, the tavern owner of Defender's Heart starts helping putting the place together.   The party then heads up to the room and discusses the powers that they received, and what powers they have, including the recharging of wands from Reid, and a shield that Bosco has. Setra explains that she can move and shoot around, and shoot faster, as well as seeing in the dark. Yuhia now explains how she is now a Paladin, and how she talked with Iomedae herself to make the change, and that she has an ability to reduce incoming damage. Yuhia reports that his weapon is now intelligent, and reports its name: Radiance.  

Chapter 2 - The Meeting with the Queen

The tavern comes alive with activity with a large feast being prepared at last minute with a large mass of food and drink as the Defender's Heart turns from a normal tavern to a banquet hall in just a few short hours. The tavern stables are cleaned out, and readied to accept the Queen and an entourage. The scouts watching for the Queen's entourage note that she is coming in, and everyone finishes up their last minute tasks. The Queen arrives with a small entourage, and four bodyguards, and two attendants. Queen Galfrey slides off of her horse, almost as if she is floating, an expert to getting on and off her horse. She is clad in glistening full plate armor adorned with the royal seal. The stablehands take the horses back to the stable. Queen Galfrey enters into the tavern and sees the party, heading over to them. Irabeth stands at attention, and greets Queen Galfrey with as much nervous sincerity. She dismisses the cordialize and introduces the party to Queen Galfrey. The party introduces themselves to Queen Galfrey.  
Where the other NPCs are
Aravashnial: Currently working up the reconstruction efforts of scouting and research with the Librarians of the Riftwardens found at the Librarium of the Broken Black Wing, and Quednys Orlun.  
Horgus Gwerm: Has taken advantage of the lost trade to head up the rebuilding of the Kenabres and supply routes.  
Anevia Tirabade: Spends most of their time training up and staying out of the public eye. Lives with Irabeth Tirabade at the Defender's Heart, but prefers to stay out of this "Public chivalry nonsense."
She notices the tavern is ready for the banquet, and the tavern owner lets everyone into the banquet area. Reid nudges Irabeth to introduce herself to Queen Galfrey, and in the ensuing nervous conversation, makes Irabeth blush. Queen Galfrey sits down with her entourage at the table, and expects the PCs to sit at the table. The squires sit at another table. A meal is served before discussions happen on the results of what is going on. After some short discussion, Yuhia asks what the Queen's armor is made of, and she explains its a special composite of mithral and adamantine that the dwarves and elves made specifically for Queen Galfrey. This also shifts the discussion towards the purpose of Queen Galfrey's visit. She stands and gives a grand speech:  
While there are some narrow-minded souls among the crusade who blame you for the destruction of the Wardstone border, I do not begrudge you for what you did. Far from it. From the sound of it, you saved entire legions of crusaders from a most vile fate by preventing Areelu Vorlesh from transforming them, and the blast of energy gave us the time we needed to regroup and prepare for what certainly will come next. It has taken us quite some time, almost a week to make sure our defenses for what might possibly have come around. But, you understand the implications of what you've done, I'm sure: the wardstones are gone, and my mages have told me that without intervention from the Inheritor herself, there is no way to replace them. But, it looks like Iomedae has lent her helping hand to assist her. I have heard reports of what this group has done. My mages--
and, with that, two mages appear out of nowhere, taking a seat at the table and listening, while Queen Galfrey continues,
My mages have confirmed to me that Iomedae's power from herself has settled the power that now resides in the five of you. I have been making sure that has been recovering Kenebres and the surrounding towns. In time, the demons will regroup, and reorganize. We cannot trust their inherent chaos to make this period of regrouping longer than it otherwise would take, and we shouldn't underestimate them. They will be back soon enough, and I have already received reports from the front lines that small groups of demons are attacking fortifications and settlements along the southern border.   As Iomedae's inheritors of her power, it seems that you might be of use to her and all of us. What intrigues me the most is news from several reliable sources that our fiendish enemies are starting to mass in the southern reaches along the Riftshadow within the Worldwound. Such actions have left several of their northern lairs relatively unprotected. In particular, the fiend Aponavicius has taken the bulk of her army from Drezen, leaving it moderately protected as she joins with the the Storm King in Iz to, no doubt, plot greater attacks on larger targets like Nerosyan, Karcau, and beyond. The time is right to strike into their territory.   Drezen was the first of our cities to fall after the First Crusade, and we lost more than our kin and pride that day. We lost the Sword of Valor, a magical banner carried by the Inheritor herself during the Shining Crusade. If Drezen could be retaken, if the Sword of Valor could be once again held by the crusade, well, I trust I don't need to explain how well that would affect morale. However, with the imminent attacks along the border, I cannot spare many to lead an assault on Drezen. Even if I could, a large army attacking the city would only draw Aponavicius back to defend the place. The obvious tactic is to send a group of capable heroes with a modest, but well-trained army to strike now while the proverbial iron is hot. This is why I've sought you out. If you can retake Drezen and reclaim the Sword of Valor, not only will you silence the fools who would brand you traitors for destroying the Wardstones, but more importantly, you would bolster the entire war effort with your heroism, and I fear we are going to need all of the bolstering we can get with all of the upcoming battles!
  Yuhia inquires on what is so special on the Sword of Valor, and he is explained from Reid that its not a sword, its a banner, and its meant to form a defensive barrier. It hasn't been used in the last century. Queen Galfrey explains that it bolsters defenses of a town when it is used, but she doesn't know its exact effects. Reid inquires into the use of the powers that were given to the party, and Queen Galfrey explains the mages have been unable to find a way to transfer or copy the powers that the party has received. The party all throws their hat into help.   Queen Galfrey then explains that she would like to bring them to the camp, and asks them to bring their expertise to lead the army. She explains that she intends to allow the party 100 paladins for their use while they march north to Drezen. She explains there will also be other advisors that will be coming with, including Nurah Dendiwhar, Aron Kir, and Sosiel Vaenic. She also explains that Irabeth Tirabade and Anevia Tirabade will be joining them, a surprise to Irabeth when she hears that. She explains that she would like to see the party by tomorrow morning at the north camps. The party then decides to figure out what they should call themselves, and they come up with a party name, the "Silver Wardens." Reid then asks how long the campaign will last, and she explains about how long it takes to march. Yuhia then puts forward to possibly bring Horgus Gwerm, and the information is floated to Queen Galfrey, and she will consider it. Reid then asks Queen Galfrey then asks if Aravashnial that can be cured of blindness with regeneration, and Anevia that should be healed of her leg. The Queen then turns to her entourage and orders that both of them should be healed. She then leaves one of the mages, Tiraal to get them cures. Irabeth is overcome with lots of emotion and thanks the Queen profusely. The Queen then takes her leave and departs with the rest of her entourage.   The mage then walks over and asks how he can find the two creatures that Queen Galfrey ordered to be healed. The party explains their locations, and he sits down, recites some magic words, and then stands up and explains that clerics have been dispatched to the locations. He leaves promptly, and, an hour later, a cleric arrives at the tavern looking for Anevia. Reid casts message to bring down Anevia and Irabeth. Anevia limps down the stairs with Irabeth, and the cleric regenerates her leg. They then exit out the door and head back to the north camp. After this, Irabeth and Anevia pledge their support to helping the party. Then, the party asks Irabeth to be the commander, and she accepts. Yuhia then dispatches a messenger to locate Horgus to see if he will meet with Yuhia. The messenger arrives back and reports that Horgus was not able to be contacted, as he is preparing for something large tomorrow. Reid looks to see if he can find books and maps on the destination they are intended to go to. He finds out that Drezen was founded as a forward base, enhanced by the Sword of Valor, where it was held for decades, until it fell, but he found no information on how or why it fell, and no one can agree on why it did.  

Chapter 3 - Rally to Move

In the morning, the party heads for the northern camp. Its a massive camp of crusaders, which, since the party is expected, they lead the party towards Queen Galfrey's tent, and they are surprised by seeing Irabeth, Anevia, Aravashnial, and Horgus already there. There are also three other people they do not recognize, and she introduces Nurah, Aron, and Sosiel. Aravashnial explains that he will be staying behind, and Horgus explains that he wants to help being a quartermaster for the forces heading north. Queen Galfrey then walks out of the tent and expects that everyone will follow, and the party does. Queen Galfrey then heads up to the main stage in the middle of camp, and stands up on the stage. One of her mages walk behind her with a box that seems to have no opening, but it has the symbol of Iomedae on it. Queen Galfrey flicks out a small wand which extends her voice to the entire camp, proclaiming:   "My dear crusaders, these heroes are the ones that saved Kenabres. They will be leading you all into Drezen to take back the Sword of Valor. But before that, we have some awards to give to these crusaders." She turns to her mage, and they open the white box, where it opens to reveal a bunch of medals. She walks over to the box and collects some out and hands them to a squire which holds them. She then moves over to Jorryn and gives him the Righteous Medal of Clarity. Then, she walks over to Yuhia, and awards the Righteous Medal of Clarity, and the Righteous Medal of Valor. Next, she walks over to Setra, and awards the Righteous Medal of Clarity, and the Righteous Medal of Valor. She then moves over to Bosco, the Righteous Medal of Clarity, and the Righteous Medal of Valor. Finally, she moves over to Reid, the Righteous Medal of Clarity.   After the awards, she turns to the party, and asks who the commander of the army will be, and Yuhia notes that Irabeth will be the commander of the army that will be heading north. She stands up and accepts, bowing to everyone, and then proclaiming that she will lead the army into victory over the demons, and retake Drezen and the Sword of Valor. After this process, the Queen heads back to her tent, and the attendants usher them down to follow her. In the tent, everyone assembles, and Queen Galfrey introduces three advisors that will assist in the push north: Aron Kir, the tactician, Nurah Dendewhar, the knowledgeable, and Sosiel Vaenic, the cleric. She then departs out of the back of the tent with her entourage, leaving the party and the advisors.   The party decides they want to get to know the three people that they have been introduced to. Sosiel Vaenic is a cleric of Sheyln. Nurah is a halfling rogue. Reid asks if Aron has any suggestions on reading up on demon tactics, and, with a raspy voice, he suggests a few to Reid.  

Chapter 4 - The March to Drezen

Mass Combat

  Knights of Kenabres - ACR 3   LG Medium army of humans (paladin 4)   hp 16   DV 20; OM +10 ranged   Tactics expert flankers, standard, withdraw   Resources improved armor, improved weapons (mwk cold iron), mounts, ranged weapons (longbows)   Special aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine health, lay on hands, mercy, smite evil, spellcasting   Speed 3; Morale +1; Consumption 3  

The NPC Boons

  • Anevia Tirabade: +2 OM/DV
  • Aravashnial: Spellbreaker Tactic
  • Aron Kir: +1 DV
  • Horgus Gwerm: -2 Consumption
  • Irabeth Tirabade: Bloodied but Unbroken boon
  • Nurah Dendiwhar: +1 OM
  • Sosiel Vaenic: +1 Morale
  The plan is to march north to Valas' Gift, and then ford the river at Vilareth Ford, and then march north to the mouth of the canyon at Keeper's Canyon. The party marches north to Valas' Gift and finds the town desolate and deserted. The entire village was destroyed and all of the bodies were removed. Reid asks Irabeth what they should do, and she suggests that the army should sleep in Valas' Gift, and then head north. They find 7 units of food and water through the town, which brings their resources up to 52 units of food. Anevia comes back after scouting and reports that they do not have any direction the townspeople could have been taken. Reid reports that the demons probably teleported away after attacking. Irabeth advises that sticking around to find survivors would probably be a waste of supplies, and, in the morning, the company heads north towards Vilareth Ford.  
  The company travels for a day towards Vilareth Ford, and ends up a couple of hours outside of Vilareth Ford. (Consumption: -3, Current Supplies: 49)  
In the morning, they proceed towards Vilareth Ford, and notice that the Ford bridge has been taken over by a small enemy army of tieflings. They scout what the enemy is up to, and Irabeth decides it would be best to attack the demon army and drive them off. The army is then organized into a sneak attack as they were not discovered by the demons as of yet. The party then looses the arrows, and they snipe them before they can act. The remaining tieflings then run away immediately. The group cleared out starts raiding the dead tieflings, but the paladins are grumbling about taking from the enemy supplies. The party then attempts to convince the paladins that it is a necessary thing to do. Irabeth is looking for survivors, and the army then discovers a small contingent of crusaders that were being held against their will. They are led by a commander named Kamilo Dann, which tells the party that the Valas' Gift survivors are being held in Keeper's Canyon ahead. Kamilo Dann reports that she should head south back to Kenabres to report back to the Queen and have her send soldiers to reoccupy Vilareth Ford to secure a supply chain. The army then peruses around the area, and finds 3 Units of Goods (Current: 3).  
Meanwhile, Bosco notices that Nurah is skulking around invisibly, and reports it to Reid. Reid looks to see if he can pull Setra in to find out what Nurah is doing. Reid casts invisibility on Setra and Setra attempts to locate where Nurah is. Nurah is tracked into Aron Kir's tent. They notice that Nurah is putting in a vial of something dark black in Aron Kir's pack. Then, Reid then reveals himself, and she immediately pulls out her shortsword. Reid tries to convince her that she is surrounded, and she succeeds. Setra holds off until she does something, and, convinced her cover is up. She responds, "Alright, what are you going to do?" and Reid responds, "We're going to sit down, and you're going to listen." Nurah is not convinced, and doesn't trust Reid. Setra then looses nonlethal blunt arrows to hurt her, and Reid uses a glitterdust in her face, and she casts dimension door to get out of the area, and flees into the Worldwound. Setra raises the alarm and the paladins turn to figure out what she is talking about. They start chasing after her, but her next action is to cast phantom steed and escape.  
Reid uses mage hand to pull the vials out of the pack, and calls over Aron Kir. He arrives and asks why his tent is filled with glitter. When Aron sees the vials, he exclaims, "Why are those... why are those here?" Right after this, Sosiel Vaenic comes in and notices the vials and interrogates Aron with a "Have you been using again?" Yuhia then corrects that Nurah was trying to plant these in Aron's pack and inquires what Sosiel means by "using again." Sosiel sighs and rubs his temple, "its Shadowblood. Aron used to use shadowblood a lot, but he got off of it. However, it looks like Nurah wanted him to get him back on the drug." The party then assures that there is no cause to worry, and perks up Aron. They then ask why Nurah would want to hurt Aron. Sosiel asks for the shadowblood, and he takes it and gives it to Aron. Aron looks at the vials for a second, and the party reassures Aron, and he takes one step out of the tent and throws them as far as he could, and it crashes across the rock and oozes to the ground. Irabeth then comes back after the alarm was cleared and asks what's going on, and the party what happened. She then grows a little worried that Nurah went to go warn someone.   The group then heads to sleep for the night to head further into the Worldwound in the morning.

Session Date
September 7, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
  History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous

Reid Moore

17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)


17-Level Ranger

Jorryn K'Thral

17-Level Cleric

Yuhia Zhir

17-Level Paladin

Bosco Dieh

15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
07 Sep 2019

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