Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront Report

General Summary

As the sun set on the small border town of Tradefront, a small wagon train carrying food, supplies, and would-be adventurers weary from weeks of grueling overland travel rolled into town. Much like the people of Tradefront, these would-be adventurers came from myriad races, backgrounds, and walks of life, but all shared one goal: to make a life for themself through adventure.
As the group of adventurers stepped forward from the caravan, they were greeted by a greying man in a battered suit of armor.
"Welcome to Tradefront! My name is Jarvis Odannon," he said, a wide smile stretching the wrinkles of his face. He was old for a guard, as was evident from both the wrinkles and scars on his friendly face, but he carried himself like someone who was no stranger to trouble and who could handle himself in a fight. "You look to be the adventuring sort, let me give you the lay of the land."
Jarvis Odannon, the guard captain and de-facto leader of Tradefront, began telling the adventurers the history of Tradefront and the ins and outs of the adventuring life. After a few minutes, the conversation was interrupted as a pair of crossbow bolts flew from the dense shrubbery to the North of the path, both plunging into Captain Odannon's side.
"To arms, friends," Odannon commanded through clenched teeth as he drew up his spear and squared himself to the northern woods! The adventurers scrambled to prepare themselves for battle as a half dozen goblins erupted from the woods and charged the group.
After a brutal battle with the goblins, the adventurers prevailed with the help of Captain Jarvis as well as a warforged adventurer who had come to town some time earlier, felling all the goblins without taking a single loss themselves. Captain Jarvis thanks the party and offers them a contract to trace the origin of the night's attack after resting off their injuries at the town's inn.

The newly-formed party of adventurers, Darnath, Duo, Gramlek, Kalgan, Omnu, and Sylvie, tracked the goblins' trail back through the sparse forest to Tradefront's North. After some time they encountered an ambush at a narrowing in the trail, barely avoiding stumbling into the most disadvantageous position.
"Kill them! Take their weapons," screamed one of the goblins as he loosed a bolt from his crossbow. The scene descended into chaos as two goblins began pelting the party with crossbow fire from the high ground and their trained giant rats charged forward to intercept the party.
The party fought a hard-won battle against the goblins and their rats, nearly falling to multiple grievous wounds. They prevailed in the end, taking one of the goblin bowmen, Bronkt, as their hostage. Thorough interrogation of the goblin revealed that their leader, Yt, had commanded them to do banditry and steal quality equipment, but had specified that they steer clear of Tradefront.

With Bronkt leading the way, the party traveled farther into the forest to confront Yt and the remaining goblin bandits. Arriving at the bandit camp, Darnath used his expert stealth skills to dispatch the two lookouts before they had a chance to spot the party. With the guards out of the way, the party confronted Yt directly.
Yt, having commanded his goblins to loot but to stay away from Tradefront, was taken aback that they had attacked the city directly and wounded Captain Jarvis. The goblin showed remorse for the actions of his charges and rage at their dissent from his commands. Knowing that the party of adventurers were more than a match for his few remaining goblins, and believing them to be forthright and upstanding based on Bronkt's word, Yt yielded to the adventurers and agreed to accompany them back to Tradefront.

Bronkt and Yt stayed true to their word that they would not resist the party on their travel back to Tradefront. Upon arriving the party handed the two goblins over to Captain Jarvis, now heavily bandaged and walking with a cane, so he could dole out appropriate punishment. As an reward for their contribution to the town of Tradefront, Jarvis paid for the party's stay at the town's inn, The Last Hurrah, for a week while they settled into town.

Rewards Granted

50 EXP / Character

Character(s) interacted with

Captain Jarvis Odannon
Guard captain and handyman of the town of Tradefront. Met as he was welcoming the party to town and briefing them on the way things work, then the goblins attacked.   Bronkt
Goblin archer captured by the party after a failed ambush along a trail while following the ambushers back to their camp.   Yt
Goblin bandit leader taken into custody by the party for the attack on Tradefront.

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
11 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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