Tradefront Geographic Location in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil


The town of Tradefront is one of the Eastern-most settlements that can be reached safely from the Sword Coast. A small but bustling town that straddles a river and serves as the hub for would-be adventurers to begin their journeys in the untamed wilds of Eastern Faerun.


  Tradefront straddles a river flowing Westward, which provides adequate drinking water and a way to transport goods and people back to the Sword Coast. The buildings that make up the town are all squat and made from wood from the nearby forest, except for a large tavern seated on the Western side of the river.  

Points of Interest

The Last Hurrah

This large inn sits on the Western side of the river overlooking the town square. Always a bustle, this business serves the countless adventurers who pass through town on their way to glory. Visiting this tavern on a given night will see would-be adventurers looking for a party to travel with, adventuring groups having one last night of revelry before setting off, and ragged, battle-scarred heroes raising a glass to their fallen comrades.  

Hero's Grave

This wide, squat obelisk in the center of the town square is made of a massive block of stone. Countless names are haphazardly carved into the stone in dozens of languages and scripts, the last reminder of heroes who never made it back from their adventures.  

New Town

After the destruction of Groundbreak, the retirement of several of the town's Adventuring parties, the sudden immigration of a destroyed village of Fomorians, the population of Tradefront has steadily been increasing. With this increase in population, the small town has been forced to expand. The area of town to the West of the river, which was once a forest, has been leveled and replaced with a large tract of farmland and a number of rowhouses to support the burgeoning population.  


Tradefront sustains itself by servicing adventurers as they pass through. Adventurer-support is profitable enough for the town that they often cover all or part of the costs for caravans bringing would-be adventurers from the Sword Coast.


  • Tradefront
    The town of Tradefront is one of the Eastern-most settlements that can be reached safely from the Sword Coast. Any farther and travelers are likely to meet their end from brigands, monsters, or the elements.